GMU Mean and Mode P Value and Null Hypothesis Discussion

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George Mason University Museum


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Discussion Board 1 A: After Watching and answering questions on MyLab Statistics, discuss your understanding of average, mean and median. The discussion should include answers to the questions below but is not limited to it, for you may conduct additional research to add to your discussion: Should averages be taken literally? What are the drawbacks. Has your understanding and perceptions of averages changed? If so how? Discussion Board 1 B: After Watching and answering questions on MyLab Statistics, discuss your understanding of Quartiles, Variation, Measure of Dispersion and Standard Deviation. The discussion should include answers to the questions below but is not limited to it, for you may conduct additional research to add to your discussion: Are sampling always reliable? Why is standard deviation important? Give specific examples to illustrate your understanding . You must use complete sentences and correct grammar/spelling. • Complete assignment as directed in document. Save your electronic copy as RTF (Rich Text Format) or PDF so that everyone will be able to open the document. • Post/upload/attach your document in Discussion Board 1 A (or B)discussion forum in Discussion Board by the due date listed on the Calendar. • You will have to submit your discussion first, before you can reply to your classmates. Reply to at least two classmates and give feedback to their solutions by the due date listed on the Calendar. You must choose to respond to at least one application that you did not submit. The other response can be to the same application you submitted or one you did not submit. Remember feedback must be substantive and more than just "Good job" or "I agree!" Saghar Babaeian 9:34pm Discussion Board 1 A: Should averages be taken literally? What are the drawbacks. Has your understanding and perceptions of averages changed? If so how? The average is an arithmatic mean. It is measured by dividing the number of observation say n to the sum of all observations. The average is a measure for data set where observations are listed. The drawbacks of average are: the average can not be calculated with the help of graph, can not calculate the average for open class frequencies because the mid value will not be available to calculate the average, is affected by the change of origin and change of scale as well, and the averages are taken literally. The mean is measure of central tendency. The mean is usually measured as sum of max observation and min observation by two. The mean is more technical and statistical term. The drawbacks of mean are: the mean can not be calculated with the help of graph, can not calculate mean for undefined sample, is affected by the change of origin and change of scale as well because the mean is expected value of observation. As the observation changes the expectation will also change, and the mean should not be taken literally. The median is the middle most observation. The median is obtained by ordering the observations in increasing or decreasing order. Then the median is middelmost observation. The median is (n+1)/2 th observation when n is oddThe median is ((n)/2 th + (n+1)/2 th ) / 2 th observation when n is even. The median can be calculated using graphical method. i.e. using ogive curve. Some drawback of median are that can not obtain median for the categorical nominal data, the median is not based on all observations, The median is least affected by extreme observations, So change is not considered, and for the even data set we can not calculate the median exactly. My understanding has definitely shifted in the right direction because of the video and the Mylab questions. I now realizes that they should not be taken literally. I always thought that once the average is calculated then it gives the answer but that is not true. there is more to it. Cameron Hogan 4:50pm The mean and the median are both ways in which you can measure trends found within data. The mean, (also known as the average), adds up all of the different data points and divide by the number of values. This is effective in giving you a more condensed look at a large number of data points. This can also be helpful in providing overall understanding of a specific statistic. However, a drawback to using the mean is that it does not account for any outliers. Outliers can significantly throw off the data and lead to potentially misleading results. This is where the median comes in. The median is good for providing us with a middle value which can also give us a similar understanding of the data while still keeping outliers in mind. On the other hand, the median can fail to accurately keep all data points in mind. This means that smaller and larger values can be ignored, and so we will not necessarily see the whole picture. Averages can be used to give a better and generic understanding of data, however it should not be taken literally. That is because when you inspect data more closely, it will not always reflect the average as it is shown. This does not change how I view the average, however it is a great reminder of how statistics can be thrown off and data misrepresented so easily. While the average is not “bad math”, it is still capable of fooling the public. Because of this, it is important to only use the average to give a basic understanding, while making sure to evaluate the data itself closely so that you can get an accurate idea of what the data is telling you. Reply Module 6: Discussion Board 3 - A StatTalk Video Reflection - The P-value and Hypothesis Testing Using the P-Value Discussion Board 3: A StatTalk Video Reflection - The P-Value and Hypothesis Testing Using the P-Value Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on your understanding of topics you have learned so far about p-value and how it is used in hypothesis testing and then explaining it to someone else. Directions: After watching StatsTalk Video (MyLab Statistics) and answering the question on MyLab Statistics, discuss your understanding of the questions below: The discussion should include answers to the questions below but is not limited to it, for you may conduct additional research to add to your discussion: 1. Discuss your understanding of P value 2. When is the null hypothesis rejected when using the P-value? 3. Is it accurate to conclude that the null hypothesis is “accepted"? give and example to illustrate why or why not? o You must use complete sentences and correct grammar/spelling.
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Explanation & Answer

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Understanding Average, Mean, and Median
Average, mean, and median are various measures central to numerical data trends. These
measures often try to summarize the numerical data trends with a specific number that portrays a
‘typical’ point in a given numerical data set. The mean, which is also referred to as
the average, is often understood as the value found by the addition of all the data points in a
numerical set divided by the number of the set values. On the other hand, the median is the
central value in a data set arranged in descending order and a set that has odd value numbers. If
the data set has even value numbers, the median becomes the mean of the two central values.
Averages should be taken literally to provide accountability for all the values i...

Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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