HCI (human computer Interaction)

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Computer Science


Using Jacob Nielsen’s Definition of Usability:

Based on your experiences in class, do you believe that human-computer interaction designers should have more education and training in communication arts and media?

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Explanation & Answer


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HCI (human computer Interaction)
1. Using Jacob Nielsen’s Definition of Usability:
a. Are there aspects of universal usability that his definition does not
Jacob Nielsen defines Usability as the extent to which user interfaces are easy to use by the users.
He described it using five quality components i.e. learnability, the rate of errors, efficiency, satisfaction
and memorability (Marcus & Aaron, 2015).I believe that though the definition covers a lot on methods
critical for improving ease of use during the designing process, it does not address important factors such
as user characteristics and flexibility. Flexibility is the easiness of manipulating and customizing various
devices with the computer. On the other hand, user characteristics are the consideration of user cognition
and level of knowledge and skills.
b. Does his definition address the current diversity in human-computer
interaction devices?
Over the recent past, there have been development...

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