English short responses

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23. Respond in a paragraph. Answer is written in complete sentences. (10 points) Contrast the effects of war in two of the following works: "Cranes," "Thoughts of Hanoi," and "Tokyo." 24. Respond in a paragraph and make sure your answer is written in complete sentences. (10 points) Describe the character of the professor in "Saboteur." Give at least three details from the story to support your description. 25. Respond in a well-organized essay, and make sure your answer is written in complete sentences. (16 points) In "The Literature of East Asia and the Pacific Rim," Michael Harris quotes: "Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.'" With this famous line, British writer Rudyard Kipling has captured the idea that the East and West are so radically different that their people can't possibly understand one another. Do you agree or disagree with Kipling's statement? Write an essay in which you defend your opinion. Use relevant examples from at least two or three of the selections you read. Be sure to include the title of each selection you cite as evidence. Select the link to access the English Essay Rubric. English Essay Rubric
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