Portfolio Project, health and medicine homework help

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Health Medical


I need several papers written for this portfolio project, as seen bellow.

  • Week 2: Topic

This week, you should review the instructions for the Portfolio Project (compare ins. plans by state-below) and begin thinking about a topic. Write a paragraph outlining the scope of your topic and how you plan to start your research.

  • Week 3: Outline

Submit an outline of your Portfolio Project that is at least one page in length and includes a basic guide for each section of your paper.

  • Week 6: Reference List

Prepare a reference list in APA format with at least five academic sources that you intend to use for your Portfolio Project. Use APA Requirements to help you with formatting your references.

Week 8: Portfolio Project Due

Compare Insurance Plans by State

Part I
Various programs provide free or low-cost coverage to millions of families with limited income. Develop a scenario in which an individual or family is currently making use of such a program, but plans to move to another state. Create a chart that compares your chosen program in three (3) different states and recommend a state to which the individual, or family, should move. Your chart should contain the following:

  • A brief paragraph describing the scenario (e.g., elderly war veteran, pregnant woman, young girl who is visually impaired)
  • Program features and characteristics (e.g., type, benefits, costs)
  • Visual indication of the state you recommend

Part II
Write a 7-8 page description of your decision-making process. Your reflection should address the following questions:

  • What are the most important features that impacted your state choice?
  • What difficulties did you face in choosing a state?
  • Under what circumstances would you recommend a different state, and why?

Your paper must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Be written in accordance to APA Requirements
  • Be 7-8 pages in length (not including the cover and reference pages); that is, approximately 3,000-3,500 words
  • Include headings, per APA guidelines
  • Include at least five (5) sources

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HCM400 Portfolio Project Rubric Criteria Meets Expectation Content, Research, and Analysis 9-10 Points Submission of The topic for the Topic Portfolio Project was submitted in Week 2 and includes all of the required components, as specified in the assignment. Submission of Outline Submission of Draft Reference List Analysis Content 17-20 Points The outline for the Portfolio Project was submitted in Week 3 and includes all of the required components, as specified in the assignment. 17-20 Points The draft reference list for the Portfolio Project was submitted in Week 6 and includes all of the required components, as specified in the assignment. 49-60 Points Provides strong or adequate thought, insight, and analysis of concepts and applications. 49-60 Points Demonstrates strong or Approaches Expectation 7-8 Points The topic for the Portfolio Project was submitted in Week 2 and includes most of the required components, as specified in the assignment. Below Expectation Limited Evidence 3-4 Points The topic for the Portfolio Project was submitted in Week 2 and includes few or none of the required components, as specified in the assignment. 13-16 Points 9-12 Points 5-8 Points The outline for the The outline for the The outline for the Portfolio Project Portfolio Project Portfolio Project was submitted in was submitted in was submitted in Week 3 and Week 3 and Week 3 and includes most of includes some of includes few or the required the required none of the components, as components, as required specified in the specified in the components, as assignment. assignment. specified in the assignment. 13-16 Points 9-12 Points 5-8 Points The draft reference The draft reference The draft reference list for the Portfolio list for the Portfolio list for the Portfolio Project was Project was Project was submitted in Week submitted in Week submitted in Week 6 and includes 6 and includes 6 and includes few most of the some of the or none of the required required required components, as components, as components, as specified in the specified in the specified in the assignment. assignment. assignment. 37-48 Points 25-36 Points 13-24 Points Some significant, Major errors or Fails to demonstrate but not major, omissions in thought, insight, errors or omissions thought, insight. and analysis. in thought, insight, and analysis. and analysis. 37-48 Points Some significant, but not major, 5-6 Points The topic for the Portfolio Project was submitted in Week 2 and includes some of the required components, as specified in the assignment. 25-36 Points Major errors or omissions in 13-24 Points Fails to demonstrate knowledge of the HCM400 Portfolio Project Rubric Requirements Presentation adequate knowledge of the materials; correctly represents knowledge from the readings and sources. 49-60 Points The Portfolio Project includes all of the required components, as specified in the assignment. 25-30 Points The multimedia selected was highly effective as a presentation tool and appropriately addressed the target audience. 13-15 Points Sources Cites and integrates at least 4 credible sources. 13-15 Points Application of Sources are well Source Material or adequately chosen to provide substance and perspectives on the issue; knowledge from the course is linked properly to source material. Mechanics and Writing 17-20 Points Organization Project is clearly organized, well written, and in proper essay errors or omissions in demonstration of knowledge. demonstration of knowledge. materials. 37-48 Points The Portfolio Project includes most of the required components, as specified in the assignment. 19-24 Points Some significant, but not major, errors or omissions in the selection and application of the multimedia presentation for the target audience. 10-12 Points Cites and integrates 3 credible sources. 25-36 Points The Portfolio Project includes some of the required components, as specified in the assignment. 13-18 Points Major errors or omissions in the selection and application of the multimedia presentation for the target audience. 13-24 Points The Portfolio Project includes few of the required components, as specified in the assignment. 7-9 Points Cites and integrates 2 credible source. 7-9 Points Major problems with selection and linkage of sources. 4-6 Points Cites and integrates 1 credible source. 9-12 Points Major problems in organization and writing; does not completely follow 5-8 Points Project is not well organized or written and is not in proper essay 10-12 Points Some significant, but not major, problems with selection and linkage of sources. 13-16 Points Small number of significant, but not major, flaws in organization and 7-12 Points The multimedia selected was totally ineffective as a presentation tool and not targeted at the specified audience. 4-6 Points Source selection is seriously flawed; no linkage to knowledge from the course. HCM400 Portfolio Project Rubric Grammar and Style Demonstrates Proper Use of APA Style format, including an introduction, body, and conclusion; conforms to project requirements. 17-20 Points Strong sentence and paragraph structure; few or no minor errors in grammar and spelling; appropriate writing style; clear and concise, with no unsupported comments. 17-20 Points Project uses proper APA formatting, according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements, with no more than one significant error. Total points possible = 350 writing; is in proper essay format. In a minor way, does not conform to project requirements. proper essay format. In a significant way. does not conform to project requirements. format; does not conform to project requirements. 13-16 Points Small number of significant, but not major, errors in grammar and spelling; generally appropriate writing. 9-12 Points Inconsistent to inadequate sentence and paragraph development; work needed on grammar and spelling; does not meet program expectations. 5-8 Points Poor quality; unacceptable in terms of grammar and/or spelling; inappropriate writing style that interferes with clarity. 13-16 Points No more than two to three significant errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. 9-12 Points Four to five significant errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. 5-8 Points More than five significant errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
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Explanation & Answer


Running Head: WEEK 3 OUTLINE


Institutional Affiliation:



Introduction ................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Issues .............................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Pregnancy....................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Insurance Covers ............................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Medicaid ........................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Exisiting Insurance Plans ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusion ...................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
References ..................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

The first issue to address in this research is the different states that will be selected and
the different insurance plans that exist in the different states. The first part of this research will be
involved in the overall research on the given scenario, which in this case, the scenario that has
been chosen to be researched on is the case of a pregnant woman. The general and the specific
details that concern the issues that pregnant woman faces which include the different challenges
in getting medical attention and also in the insurance sector either from the government or from
the privately owned companies will be addressed focusing on the three selected states. The other
issues that will be described include the different types of plans that are available from the
selected states giving and explaining the benefits that are associated with them and if possible the
associated costs. The last part is the recommendation of which state one would recommend
moving based on the conclusions made from the given description of the different states.
The second part is where all the facts that have been collected are tabled down focusing
on the different areas that may have driven the selection of the states which in this case, the
selection of the states has been influenced by the fact that over the recent past, Illinois, New
Texas and New York have been on the papers concerning the recent developments and



improvements in the health sector. Choosing the states is not an easy task since one has to gather
all the relevant data on the health sectors and the distribution of the different insurance services
as far as the affairs of the pregnant women is concerned. The recommendation of the given state
is arrived at after the overall consideration of the different pieces of evidence that have been
provided from the different states and then looking for the best fit which is the state that is above
all the described which in this case, it has been concluded to be Illinois.


Insurance Plans by State
Institutional affiliation:




Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Issues ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Pregnancy...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Insurance Covers ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Medicaid ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Exisiting Insurance Plans ............................................................................................................................... 8
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 10
References ..................

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