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Hi this is MT

My Major is ISOM and i did write my assignment but i did not complete it because i was busy so i need you to edit my assignments and add any missing informations make them up but make them realted to my major however I need it to look prefect because its worth 20 precent of my final grade. Please follow each step of the rubric and instructions very carefully.

I will upload the requirements and the rubric with my work

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Draft Business is in every day’s life we go anywhere and we can yet still see businesses around us and in some day we may explore a way to transform our human business to the moon. I chose business as a career to seek for mastery in it as I see business in one of its weakest times and it is not taking us anywhere it is just making more men value but not earth value. However, in one day we can just kill this beautiful planet substance because of these unregulated businesses around the world. By the time I graduated I just only have 5 percent of knowledge in the business as it is not all about school, in fact, it is all about you and what you are interested in. Nowadays, mastery in business is one of the hardest things to accomplish, as there should be a lot of Competition in the field. After all, one day and after many hours of practicing the game of business and with pride the throne will be mine. I am not surely saying that I will succeed with easiness though I should say that there are skills that you are required to learn in order to achieve what you want. According to 25-1066.00 - Psychology Teachers, Postsecondary, Speaking, active listing, critical thinking, instructing, and learning strategies are all important physiological skill in general life that would help you in the field of business. In addition, I chose this source because we can’t change something when we do not know its human behavior and performance. however, to change all business in my workplace I would need to know the psychological skills and apply them as the writer of make it stick book said quote “there is no way we learn something without acutely knowing how to apply it in our life". learning is not what we put in our brain it is what we make sense of”. In Additions to what I have Draft mentioned, Mastery in business is not to be easy or competitive and as I did my research on the industry field I found a lot of skills that anyone is required to have to hold a position in the workplace although as if you were to read my paper you should know that it will be hard for me to transform my workplace business to something great without coping skills from the first place. According to my major ISOM which I choose just to fulfill my society wants In order to approach what I need to approach and according to Summary. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2017, from https://www.bls.gov/ooh/computer-and-information-technology/softwaredevelopers.htm#tab-2 data analysis is one major skill that can help you in getting a job in my major. C++ is one of the important skills for IS itself thus if you are so professional in that language and according to Computer and Information Systems Managers. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2017, from https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/11-3021.00 it important to know the language along with basic knowledge in Computers and Electronics to maintain a job the field. Communication is one of the human needs to survive, talk and enjoy the creation of god. Communication in my eye is what we stand for it is also what we make sense of however without it there is no good way for us human to live and we all would start to develop depression and lose control of our life, even this life would come to an end. I chose the skill of communication because in order for me to change business I need to know how to talk and convince the other party of what I stand for unfortunately, I admit that I am not what I imagine myself to be, I do not talk the I should be and I am totally not so comfortable speaking out loud with people. Because I now the secret behind my lack of communication in another world I Draft know that communication is just a skill and we were not born knowing how to speak in fluent way really it is just a skill that I can improve by attending event and just simply speak in front of people. The good news is that since I just knew the secret of good speaking skill I am now committed to speaking in front of a large group of individuals and as I mentioned it is a skill so now my talking skill is improving and that could be great for my future in in real life situations. Please edit this put things that are related to Information system and operation management Resources I will use and/or activities I will engage in This semester • BUS 103 finance work • ECEL advanced certificate • Working with my FAVS group ducting how movie make goes The next 6 months • Resource/activity 4 • Resource/activity 5 • Resource/activity 6 How these will contribute to my development • By knowing the actual finance workforce and apply what I learned from that • Put it in my resume • It taught me a lot about film making which I now see from a different perspective • Contributions of resource/activity 4 • Contributions of resource/activity 5 • Contributions of resource/activity 6 How I will assess my learning • 8 out of 10 9 out of 10 • It made me buy a camera and start making films for the other part of the world so I give it 10 out of 10. • How I’ll assess resource/activity 4 • How I’ll assess resource/activity 5 • How I’ll assess resource/activity 6 Draft By graduation • Resource/activity 7 • Resource/activity 8 • Resource/activity 9 • Contributions of resource/activity 7 • Contributions of resource/activity 8 • Contributions of resource/activity 9 • How I’ll assess resource/activity 7 • How I’ll assess resource/activity 8 • How I’ll assess resource/activity 9 Business Assignment 6 (Professional Development Plan and Informal Presentation) This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade. The assignment consists of an individual plan for continued professional skill development and an informal presentation. The intent of this assignment is self-awareness, planning, action, and reflection on your professional skills. Your professional development plan should be 3-5 pages, double-spaced, and include at least three sources to support your arguments. Professional Development Plan 1. Introduction – (included draft on March 9th) Discuss why you are interested in pursuing a degree in business. What major (accounting, finance, information systems and operations management, management, or marketing) are you most interested in and why? What would be your ideal job upon graduation? Try to provide more than just a surface-level discussion—do some serious self-assessment here. 2. Industry Skills Requirements – (included in draft on March 9th) What specific skills are needed for the job or career field of your choice? Your response to this question should be based on research. Plan to utilize databases such as the Occupational Outlook Handbook (http://www.bls.gov/ooh/) and O*NET (https://www.onetonline.org/) and be sure to use APA-style in-text citations to indicate where you got your information. Use at least three different sources for your information. 3. Individual Development Needs – (included in draft on March 9th) Choose ONE of the skills that is important in your field and that you feel you need to improve, and answer the following: • Why have I identified this skill as one I would like to grow in? • What knowledge/competency do I currently have in this skill area? • How have I already developed this skill through this course and other opportunities? • How will this skill contribute to my personal success? 4. Action Plan – (included in draft on March 9th) Create a table that shows how you will go about gaining experience and knowledge in this one skill area for each of the following timeframes: this semester, in the next 6 months, and by the time you graduate. For each time frame: • List some resources/activities (classes, workshops, events, work experiences, online tutorials, readings, etc.) you will use or engage in to advance your skills in this area. • Tell how these resources/activities will contribute to your skill development. • Describe how you will assess whether these resources/activities have increased your capabilities. Please note that you are expected to act on your professional development plans for this semester and write about what you accomplished in the reflection portion of the final version of this paper. On the next page is an example of what your Action Plan should look like. Copy the headings on the side and top but put your own bullet points into the gray areas. You should have at least three items in each timeframe. This semester Resources I will use and/or activities I will engage in • BUS 103 finance work • ECEL advanced certificate • Working with my FAVS group ducting how movie make goes The next 6 months • Resource/activity 4 • Resource/activity 5 • Resource/activity 6 By graduation • Resource/activity 7 • Resource/activity 8 • Resource/activity 9 How these will contribute to my development • By knowing the actual finance workforce and apply what I learned from that • Put it in my resume • It taught me a lot about film making which I now see from a different perspective • Contributions of resource/activity 4 • Contributions of resource/activity 5 • Contributions of resource/activity 6 • Contributions of resource/activity 7 • Contributions of resource/activity 8 • Contributions of resource/activity 9 How I will assess my learning • 8 out of 10 9 out of 10 • It made me buy a camera and start making films for the other part of the world so I give it 10 out of 10. • How I’ll assess resource/activity 4 • How I’ll assess resource/activity 5 • How I’ll assess resource/activity 6 • How I’ll assess resource/activity 7 • How I’ll assess resource/activity 8 • How I’ll assess resource/activity 9 5. Reflection Describe what you have learned from doing this professional development plan and how you will apply this knowledge to be successful in school and in the workplace. Did you accomplish the things you planned to do during this semester? Why or why not? What challenges might arise in the future as you execute your action plan? What is your backup plan? Submission Instructions A draft is due on March 9, 2017 that includes deliverables 1-4. The informal presentation AND the final assignment is due on May 11th (final exam day) and should include all 5 sections (with revisions to 1-4). Evaluation Criteria 1. Thoughtful reflection on pursuing a degree in business, including major and potential job choice. 2. An understanding of the skills required for success in your intended field. 3. Critical thought regarding individual skill development needs. 4. A clear action plan that is focused on developing one specific skill. 5. Accomplishment of your professional development plans for this semester. 6. Thoughtful reflection on the future application of this plan. 7. Writing that is clear, concise, and free of errors. 8. In-text citations and an APA-style reference list with a minimum of three sources.
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Explanation & Answer

Hello, Here is the final essay.

Running head: Professional development

Professional Development Plan and Informal Presentation
First Last Name
Name of Institution

Professional development plan


Business is everywhere you look. In our day to day lives, we come across situations that require
the exchange of value; this is business (Kumar & Suresh, 2008). Be it buying a can of soda or
going to the spa, as long as each party benefits from the exchange then business has taken place.
This versatility of the nature of a business and the broad application it has to our lives is the main
reason why I chose to take business as a course in my higher education. It has built nations from
the ground up through exchange of goods, it has resulted in the development of teaching, and it
is the reason why the average human being has been able to have a quality life and extend
mortality. However, business has added value to the man, but it keeps on reducing the worth of
the earth. Most individuals have sought business and the value that comes with it to the
conservation of the land and its inhabitants. It is impossible to stop all the harmful effects that
some firms have on the earth alone, but I hope that I can find ways to use business to give value
to both man and the earth.
For my mastery, I would like to major in Information Systems and Operations Management. This
way I can be in charge of what a firm is doing to attain its profits. An operations manager can
make critical decisions on the way business is run (Chary, 2004). I intend to make sure that the
business that I run h...

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