PLST 201 Liberty US District Court for the Western District Court of Texas Questions

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PLST 201

Liberty University



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PLST 201 INTERNET ASSIGNMENT GRADING RUBRIC Criteria Content Legal Analysis Structure Structure and Style Advanced 16 to 18 points Proficient 13 to 15 points Developing 1 to 12 points Not present 0 points All key components of the Internet Assignment prompt are correctly answered. The answer has a clear, logical flow. Major points are stated clearly. Major points are supported by good examples or thoughtful analysis. Most of the components of the Internet Assignment prompt are correctly answered. The answer has a logical flow. Major points are stated reasonably well. Major points are supported by good examples or thoughtful analysis. The components of the Internet Assignment prompt are addressed minimally, and many of the questions are incorrectly and/or incompletely answered. The answer lacks flow or content. Major points are unclear or confusing. Major points are not supported by examples or thoughtful analysis. Not present Advanced 7 to 7 points Proficient 5 to 6 points Developing 1 to 4 points Not present 0 points Spelling and grammar errors distract. Sentences are incomplete or unclear. Paragraphs are poorly formed. Questions are not labeled or answered individually. Not present The paper does not have Spelling and grammar have spelling and grammatical errors. some errors. Sentences are Each question is answered presented well. Paragraphs individually. contain some varied sentence Each answer is labeled with the structures. proper number and/or letter. Some questions might not be labeled or answered individually. PLST 201 LEGISLATION AND CASE CITATION: INTERNET ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW This assignment is designed to introduce you to internet legal research and to develop your skills for finding materials with some guidance. You will be responsible for researching and identifying the correct websites and necessary information to several questions. INSTRUCTIONS • • • • Make sure that each of the below questions is answered. Do not leave any blank. Make sure that your answers are in the same format as the numbers/letters in front of the questions (1a, a(i), etc.). There is no baseline number of required citations. If a question asks for a citation, you must provide it, but you are not required to provide a citation if not expressly instructed to do so. You will only need to cite to sources referred to in the questions. Access the site for the U.S. Courts and answer the following questions: a. What is the address for the U.S. District Court for the Western District Court of Texas? b. In what city is the main office for the District Court of Utah? c. Federal Judge Robinson would like to serve on the board of his local law school. Review the Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges and determine whether this is permissible. What canon governs your answer? Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.
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Explanation & Answer

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Running head: US COURTS


U.S. Courts


U.S. Courts

a. What is the address for the U.S. District Court for the Western District Court of
Western District Court of Texas is located in San Antonio, Texas. The main office street address
is G-65 John H. Wood, Jr. Unites States Courthouse, 655 East Durango Boulevard, San Antonio,
TX 78206.
b. In what city is the main office for the District Court of Utah?
Utah District Court Main office is in Salt Lake City.
c. Federal Judge Robinson would like to serve on the board of his local law school.
Review the Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges and determine whether this is
permissible. What ca...

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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