Compare and Contrast Essay , English homework help

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This essay needs to be at least THREE pages, using either the POINT BY POINT organizational method, or SUBJECT BY SUBJECT.

It needs to have correct MLA format, good grammar and punctuation.

You can choose any two topics to compare and contrast, just as long as its appropriate that's all that matters!

3 - 4 pages

You will also need to do some possible research, so you will need in text citations and a works cited page.

Please have at least ONE source per topic (a total of TWO sources and in text citations)

Typical outline for both:

You need to set up this essay in either of two formats: point by point or subject by subject

Here is my example for each:

Topic: Comparing a vacation at the beach or in the mountains.

Thesis: When going on vacation, and choosing between going to the beach or going to the mountains, one must consider the facilities, the climate, and activities to do at each location.

Point by Point

I. Intro and thesis

II. Facilities

a. Beach

b. Mountains

III. Climate

a. Beach

b. Mountains

IV. Activities

a. Beach

b. Mountains

V. Conclusion

The comparison with the point by point is done within each paragraph, where as the comparison with the subject by subject is done in the conclusion.

YOU CHOOSE which one you want to do, it is up to you. I personally think that the Point by point is easier. BUT it is up to you.

Subject by Subject:

I. Intro, with the thesis - including the three subtopics that you will talk about (Thesis: When going on vacation, and choosing between going to the beach or going to the mountains, one must consider the facilities, the climate, and activities to do at each location.)

II. All of the information about the beach.


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Explanation & Answer


Surname 1
Topic: Traveling by Train versus Travelling by Air
✓ Introduction
Transportation entails movement from one particular location to another through an
environmental medium.
✓ Thesis statement: When deciding on the carriage between the different channels, it’s
mandatory to consider traveling by air or train based on the distance between the two
destinations and the cost incurred while traveling (Pachl, 2014).
✓ Cost of Travelling

Train- in the United States, Airlines are continuously cutting their cost to attract more clients,

most of the travelers are adopting the use of railroad in the states within the US.

Air Transport- in the US, traveling via the Air transport is expensive and requires advance

booking contrary to the Rail Transport.
✓ Time Constraint

Rail Transport- Travelling by rail is slower and not preferable especially if the destination is

too far. In the US, the train transportation is considered the slowest means of transportation due
to the distances between the different states that might take a lot of time.

Air Transport- There isn’t predetermined stop over thereby reducing the time the flight takes

to complete the destination trip.
Boarding experience

Rail Transportation- in the United States, the underground subways
Air travel- Airport are the central base of the regulations to prevent unauthorized access of

traveling via the air transport.
✓ Long Distances

Surname 2
Both of the rail and air transport can be considered suitable when traveling on larger distances.
Both of the transportation media is suitable when traveling on longer distances.
✓ The construction cost and maintenance of the Infrastructure

Rail Transportation- The development of trains and rail infrastructure is extremely high

consuming colossal GDP o...

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