Stock Journal and Annual Reports Follow Up

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Business Finance


Select one (1) U.S. publicly traded company and review its most recent Annual Report. (You may use one (1) of the three (3) companies you selected for your Stock Journal assignment.) (ENCLOSED BELOW)

Use the Income Statement and Balance Sheet to determine the changes in:

assets, liabilities, and equity

total revenue and net income

Briefly describe the change from the current and prior years in each of these key areas and determine if the changes would be positive or negative from an investor / stockholder’s view.

1.Record the current price of the stock for each company you selected in Week 3’s Stock Journal. You may use any price during this week (e.g., day one price, the opening, the low, the high, the close, or any price you find when you check it during the day). Using MS Excel spreadsheet or MS Word document, put your Week 3 and Week 8 stock prices side-by-side, to show your comparison.

2.Determine the current value of your total investment. Do not make any changes to your investment at this time. Calculate your total based on the number of shares and the new price per share, for each company.

3.Provide your opinion / assessment of your investments. Evaluate the results of your current investment. Are you happy with the result and the trend? Are you upset because you’re investment is worth less than $25,000. Feel free to speculate / guess at why you believe the stock increased, decreased, or remained static.

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Stock Journal Follow-up 1. Complete the following homework scenario: • o ▪ ▪ o Select one (1) U.S. publicly traded company and review its most recent Annual Report. (You may use one (1) of the three (3) companies you selected for your Stock Journal assignment.) Use the Income Statement and Balance Sheet to determine the changes in: assets, liabilities, and equity total revenue and net income Briefly describe the change from the current and prior years in each of these key areas and determine if the changes would be positive or negative from an investor / stockholder’s view. Record the current price of the stock for each company you selected in Week 3’s Stock Journal. You may use any price during this week (e.g., day one price, the opening, the low, the high, the close, or any price you find when you check it during the day). Using MS Excel spreadsheet or MS Word document, put your Week 3 and Week 8 stock prices side-by-side, to show your comparison. 2. Determine the current value of your total investment. Do not make any changes to your investment at this time. Calculate your total based on the number of shares and the new price per share, for each company. 3. Provide your opinion / assessment of your investments. Evaluate the results of your current investment. Are you happy with the result and the trend? Are you upset because you’re investment is worth less than $25,000. Feel free to speculate / guess at why you believe the stock increased, decreased, or remained static. 1. Week 3 Companies you selected I have chosen three companies for my stock journal project. The chosen companies are listed below. 1. Microsoft Corporation 2. TSLA Inc 3. The Hershey Company 1. Microsoft Corporation S10,000 dollar S10,000/S65.59 = 152 shares Company – industry, Technology – sector The company rating is increasing day by day due to its share worth. They have positive earnings per share in the past few years; the price-earnings ratio is 30.34 whereas the earning per share is 2.12. 2. TSLA, Inc. S5000 S5000/S302.15 = 16 shares The TSLA Inc has generated handsome income from sales as compared to another competitor. Moreover, being a car company for the future, so I think this will be a good long-term investment. The Hershey Company $10,000 S10,000 /S109.03 = 91 shares It's been a profitable company, never has negative earnings per share and paying dividend continuously. Currently, it has $ 3.35 EPS and 32.54 prices earning Share. The community rating for the company is increasing day by day as the share value is increasing from last few years. Stock Price Invest Can buy Actually buy Total bought MSFT $65.59 $10,000.00 152.46 152 $9,969.68 TSLA $302.15 $5,000.00 16.55 16 $4,834.40 HSY $109.03 $10,000.00 91.72 91 $9,921.73 $25,000.00 $24,725.81 Stock Journal Follow-up 1. Complete the following homework scenario: • o ▪ ▪ o Select one (1) U.S. publicly traded company and review its most recent Annual Report. (You may use one (1) of the three (3) companies you selected for your Stock Journal assignment.) (ENCLOSED BELOW) Use the Income Statement and Balance Sheet to determine the changes in: assets, liabilities, and equity total revenue and net income Briefly describe the change from the current and prior years in each of these key areas and determine if the changes would be positive or negative from an investor / stockholder’s view. Record the current price of the stock for each company you selected in Week 3’s Stock Journal. You may use any price during this week (e.g., day one price, the opening, the low, the high, the close, or any price you find when you check it during the day). Using MS Excel spreadsheet or MS Word document, put your Week 3 and Week 8 stock prices side-by-side, to show your comparison. 2. Determine the current value of your total investment. Do not make any changes to your investment at this time. Calculate your total based on the number of shares and the new price per share, for each company. 3. Provide your opinion / assessment of your investments. Evaluate the results of your current investment. Are you happy with the result and the trend? Are you upset because you’re investment is worth less than $25,000. Feel free to speculate / guess at why you believe the stock increased, decreased, or remained static. 1. Companies previously Chosen: I have chosen three companies for my stock journal project. The chosen companies are listed below. 1. Microsoft Corporation 2. TSLA Inc 3. The Hershey Company 1. Microsoft Corporation S10,000 dollar S10,000/S65.59 = 152 shares Company – industry, Technology – sector The company rating is increasing day by day due to its share worth. They have positive earnings per share in the past few years; the price-earnings ratio is 30.34 whereas the earning per share is 2.12. 2. TSLA, Inc. S5000 S5000/S302.15 = 16 shares The TSLA Inc has generated handsome income from sales as compared to another competitor. Moreover, being a car company for the future, so I think this will be a good long-term investment. The Hershey Company $10,000 S10,000 /S109.03 = 91 shares It's been a profitable company, never has negative earnings per share and paying dividend continuously. Currently, it has $ 3.35 EPS and 32.54 prices earning Share. The community rating for the company is increasing day by day as the share value is increasing from last few years. Stock Price Invest Can buy Actually buy Total bought MSFT $65.59 $10,000.00 152.46 152 $9,969.68 TSLA $302.15 $5,000.00 16.55 16 $4,834.40 HSY $109.03 $10,000.00 91.72 91 $9,921.73 $25,000.00 $24,725.81
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Stock Journal and Annual Reports Follow Up
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Stock Journal and Annual Reports Follow Up
Stock Journal and Annual Reports Follow Up
Question No. 1
Company selected for reviewing the most recent financial reports is Microsoft.
Financial data mentioned in the table below is compiled from the financial statement of
Microsoft Company available on











Total Revenue



Net income



Figures show that Ass...

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