In your response posts, discuss how your experiences with workplace conflict are similar to and different from the experiences discussed by your peers. Would the same approach be effective if implemented in your workplace example? Explain.
Support your response posts with scholarly sources cited in APA style
While it’s easy to assume that conflict in the workplace is a negative occurrence, that needs to be avoided at all costs, it is really important to understand that workplace conflict not only help the adoption of new and forward thinking ideas, workplace conflict can also help solve mounting workplace difficulties (SHRM, 2016). For example, I have personally experienced workplace conflict over the inventory process of new goods at a thrift store I worked at, and the conflict that arose was handled in such a way that the conflicting sides were able to mesh all of their ideas together to create a more streamlined system that ended with less stress and less busy work for all parties involved. On the other hand, workplace conflict can also be a negative force that leads to attacks on coworkers, lack of any further communication and the formation of gossip and cliques (SHRM, 2016). I worked for an agency that provided job coaching to individuals in the community living with developmental disabilities, and the lack of proper handling of workplace conflict lead to even management getting in on the gossip and drama that was taking place. This ultimately lead to be leaving this company, as I was hearing from coworkers that management was spreading false claims about my own personal work ethic.
It’s interesting to look into the differences in conflict management in a unionized organization vs conflict management in a non-unionized organization. Findings of these differences stem from a rift in the US between unionized and non-unionized dispute resolution. Unionized organizations are typically branded as using grievance arbitration procedures, which are almost always incredibly elaborate and tend to lead to more conflict (Colvin, 2013). I a non-unionized organization, there is typically a wide variety of conflict management and its structure inside the organization (Colvin, 2013).
An effective training strategy to help manage workplace conflict would be one focused on resolution techniques that include: listening, meeting with the group, not taking sides, addressing conflict immediately, pushing for teamwork and then providing encouragement along the way (University of Notre Dame, 2017). Perhaps some of the most important points of information for the training and preparedness of managers in particular, is to listen and to tackle conflict as soon as possible. When you, as the manager, can catch the conflict early on, you will save yourself a lot of time and stress later, when the conflict has impacted more people and is a much larger issue.
Colvin, A. (2013). Participation Versus Procedures in Non-Union Dispute Resolution. Retrieved
SHRM. (2016). Conflict Resolution Training. Retrieved from
University of Notre Dame. (2017). Conflict Resolution Techniques. Retrieved from
Workplace conflict is inevitable and many employees will face it frequently throughout their careers. There are both positive and negative aspects of workplace conflict. Some of the positive aspects of workplace conflict include the development of new ideas, problem solving, and bringing attention to problems (“Conflict Resolution Training,” 2016). Most people think of any type of conflict as a bad thing and a lot of people avoid it. As stated above, there are some positive aspects of workplace conflict. The negative aspects of workplace conflict can include disrespect, personal attacks, name calling, bullying etc. (“Conflict Resolution Training,” 2016). If the conflict is not addressed properly many of the negative aspects could develop in the workplace. It is important to remember that not all conflict is negative.
In my professional experience of working in the corporate business world, conflict is a part of everyday life. One conflict I was a witness to was between a line supervisor and a member of the union. The conflict arose because of a perceived “attitude problem” that the line supervisor felt he was experiencing from the union member. The union member was already under progressive discipline action from the company but it all boiled over during a safety meeting. It ended in a fist fight (which I did not see as it was in the Men’s locker room) and ultimately the union employee being dismissed and the supervisor being re-assigned to another office. This was a very negative outcome to a workplace conflict. A positive workplace conflict that I was involved in came when I was working on a team that was tasked with matching mentors to mentees for a company sponsored mentoring program. The team could not agree on the best way to make the matches and conflict arose over differing opinions. The team was respectful of each other’s opinions and listened to reasoning behind both ways of doing things. Ultimately, we reached a middle of the road solution that seemed to satisfy both sides and get the task accomplished.
The company I work for has both union and non-union workers. The differences in conflict management seem to be pretty evident. The union conflicts are handled in a very systematic, documented approach. The management conflicts seem to be left up to the discretion of the manager and often vary. It also seems that most conflicts in management are avoided. The issue of not confronting poor performance in management is prevalent at my company. Most managers avoid it which can bring the entire team down. The learning and development opportunities that are currently offered at my company include MARC training for supervisors of union employees. Also, various leadership and conflict resolution trainings are offered.
Conflict resolution training. (2016, August). Retrieved from