PSY 3993 UCLA Psychology Classical Conditioning Results Discussion

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PSY 3993

University Of California Los Angeles



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5:25 < Back Homework 7 - Discussion.docx Homework 7 -Discussion Section Homework 7 APA Discussion For this assignment, you will write the Discussion section of your APA paper. This section of the paper should be 1 %2 – 2 pages long. Use the following guidelines: · The Discussion section will go after your Method and Results sections. Th where you interpret the results and discuss how they relate to the theory under investigation (Classical Conditioning). • Start with specifically talking about the results of our experiment and then broaden it up to generalize to the overall topic (Sniffy behavior à classical conditioning in general). Things to discuss (notice how these points start out specific to our experiment and broaden back up to the overall topic under investigation): • Do the results support classical conditioning? Give specific examples from the data to support your statement. For example, if you claim that there was evidence of acquisition, give specific information about it, such as discussing the difference in freezing behavior during the Acquisition Trial 1 compared to Acquisition Trial 10. Then explain how this shows that acquisition occurred. Explain ALL of the acquisition, extinction, and spontaneous recovery results. • Do the results agree or disagree with the results of studies described the introduction section of the paper? State specific examples of how the results of the current experiment compare to the results of at least two of the studies presented in the introduction section of the paper (Homework 5 and 6, and/or the 3rd study located during your library training session). • What do the collective results mean (the current experiment and the previous research)? Was significance as expected? Do the results support classical conditioning and learning through association? Explain • How could the current experiment be improved? • Based on the suggested improvement, what should be investigated next? 1 Homework 7 -Discussion Section 29 709 DOO Dashboard Calendar Inbox To Do Notifications Inbox
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