Military History- 3 Short essay answer and 1 Long

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  • You will be graded on the quality of your critical thought and analysis.
  • The longer essay should have more analysis and content than the short ones.
  • You may use the text, notes or any other resource to assist you in answering the questions. You should always support your answers through specific historical examples, but you are not required to cite sources

Short Essay

1. We have analyzed different periods throughout this course for evidence of the application of Joint Warfare (Army, Navy, Air Force)- based on American military history, is there really a significant advantage to practicing Joint Warfare?

2. The term "conventional" warfare comes to us from the conventions (treaties, laws, etc.) that govern it. Unconventional warfare is then, by definition, other than "conventional" (outside the bounds of treaties, laws, etc.). Given the American military experience you are familiar with, are unconventional forms of warfare illegal or immoral?

3. The American Way of War is attrition warfare- defend or refute this assertion.

Long Essay

The military profession's purpose is to fight wars. Yet, war is not an end to itself. Nations go to war to achieve a wide range of objectives. As a military professional with an understanding of the sweep of history, you should be able to answer the following question:

How effective is war as a means of achieving national objectives?


Format of the way Professor wants each of these answered.

1) Answer the call of question

2) Use exact word concepts

3) Organization Format



BODY - 3 pieces of evidence- subtitles- bullets

Conclusion recap- how 3 things were brought together

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Explanation & Answer


Surname 1

Military History
3 short essays
1. Application of Joint Warfare
There is a significant advantage of practicing Joint Warfare that is Army, Navy and Air-force in
the American military. For instance, after the 1973 Arab-Israeli War exposed weaknesses in
NATO’s concept to defend Western Europe; American military leaders embarked on the
development of new concepts or techniques on how the Air Force and Army could effectively
dissuade, fight and win against a modernized enemy in the changed operational environment.
Therefore, the preceding years saw the U.S. military develop, experiment and formalize a cogent
joint solution known as AirLand Battle to counter the Soviet conventional threat in Western
Europe. Today, however, ground combat forces confront threats that adapted and modernized
their militaries to defeat how the joint force currently fights.
With the adoption of the AirLand Battle, the joint force depended on overall superiority in
domains such as air, maritime, space and cyber. The Joint Warfare will provide joint task force
with a single unit combining surface-to-surface (land and maritime), surface-to-air,
electromagnetic, and cyberspace cross-domain fires hence strengthening the American military.
Several debates over the proper role of air power continued into World War II terming the air
power as champions of strategic bombing seeking to free aerial operations from those of the
Army and Navy. In December 1925, a report from House of Representatives committee chaired

Surname 2

by Congressman Florian Lampert called for an independent Air Force combining all Army and
Navy aircraft and a Department of defense to coordinate the three services. A board President
Calvin Coolidge established under the leadership of Dwight W. Morrow concluded that a
separate air arm and defense department was not necessary advocating for the Joint Warfare. For
the past decades, the U.S. way of war has been attributed to attrition. The Joint Warfare therefore
played an important role in ensuring that America military adopted a new style of warfare with
the advancement in information technol...

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