Writing in Math, algebra homework help

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Please complete the following questions. It is important that you show all work you did to solve the problems when you submit your work. This includes any calculations, diagrams, or graphs that helped you solve it.

  1. OPEN ENDED Write an equation giving the value of the Cosine function for an angle measure in its domain. Then, write your equation in the form of an inverse function.
  2. OPEN ENDED Write the equation of a trigonometric function with a phase shift of -45°. Then graph the function, and its parent graph.
  3. Writing in Math If the formula for the temperature T in degrees Fahrenheit of a city t months into the year is given by T = 50 + 25 sin(6t), explain how to find the average temperature and the maximum and minimum predicted over the year.
  4. Writing in Math Use the information on page 842 (attached below) to explain how you can predict the behavior of tides. Explain why certain tidal characteristics follow the patterns seen in the graph of the sine function.

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High Tide Period GET READY for the Lesson The rise and fall of tides can have great impact on the communities and ecosystems that depend upon them. One type of tide is a semidiurnal tide. This means that bodies of water, like the Atlantic Ocean, have two high tides and two low tides a day. Because tides are periodic, they behave the same way each day. Tidal Range Still Water Level Low Tide
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