IT 402 SEU Integrated Enterprise System Shorts Questions

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IT 402

Saudi electronic university



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College of Computing and Informatics Student Details: Name: ### ID: ### CRN: ### Instructions: • • • • • • • • • • You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format. It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files. Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation). Email submission will not be accepted. You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page. You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark. You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question. Late submission will result in ZERO mark. The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark. Use Times New Roman font for all your answers. Question One Pg. 01 Learning Outcome(s): CLO1.1: Explain the Question One How can the use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems enable cross-functional integration? Support you answer by providing an example. interdisciplinary concepts, theories, and trends in ES and their role in supporting business operations. 1 Marks Answer: Question Two Pg. 02 Learning Outcome(s): Question Two 1.5 Marks Imagine a small coffee shop with a single counter. On average, 16 customers CLO1.1: Explain arrive at the store every hour and stay an average of 30 minutes in the store. the Calculate the average number of customers queuing in this coffee shop? interdisciplinary Suppose that the average number of customers increased to 30 customers concepts, every hour, Describe the consequences, and give a solution. theories, and trends in ES and their role in supporting business operations. Answer: Question Three Pg. 03 Learning Outcome(s): CLO1.2: Describe the development Question Three What is the purpose of system engineering? How to achieve performance improvement by using system engineering? What is the benefit of using modeling and simulation in system engineering? life cycle of ES and reengineering best practices. 1 Marks Answer: Question Four Pg. 04 Learning Outcome(s): CLO3.1: Develop robust business intelligence solutions that provide an integrated framework for improved business processes within a global context. Question Four 1.5 Marks Why does an architect use an architecture framework? Create a matrix that shows the similarities and differences between ArchiMate Notation and Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). List four of them only. Answer:
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Explanation & Answer

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College of Computing and Informatics

Student Details:
Name: ###

ID: ###

CRN: ###


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You are advised to make your work straightforward and well-presented, including filling in your information
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You must use this template, failing, which will result in a zero mark.
You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image unless specified otherwise by
the question.
Late submission will result in a ZERO mark.
The work should be your own; copying from students or other resources will result in a ZERO mark.
Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.

Question One

Pg. 01
CLO1.1: Explain

Question One

1 Marks

How can the use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems enable
cross-functional integration? Support your answer by providing an example.

theories, and
trends in ES and

A given company has many departments in which it is hard to keep track of all

their role in

of them at some point. In addition to that, it might be very tiresome to keep track of all


the data. In some cases, the data may be inaccurate, and many revisions might be


needed to create accurate data that is very tiresome. It is in these cases that enterprise


resource planning takes its role. The enterprise resource planning systems improve
enterprise efficiency and the efficiency in a given organization or company.

Question Two

Pg. 02

1.5 Marks


Question Two

CLO1.1: Explain

Imagine a small coffee shop with a single counter. On average, 16 customers



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