Need 8 slide presentations on aloe vera

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Health Medical


I need slide presentations on aloe vera . History, what it is used for, The benefits of it in the human body, the healing process, disadvantages and etc. rubric is attached. You can also add pictures or videos as well.

2 mins ago

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Padlet Rubric Evaluation Excellent, complete meets expectations 2.5 Pictures/Videos Student included at least 5 images, 1 video Grammar/Spelling No spelling/grammar errors/no slang; Title case where appropriate Professionalism All pictures, music, and text are appropriate for school and are mature and respectful of school policies and classroom expectations Complete Student described the topic with detail. The topic is explained well enough that the reader will understand the topic. Total ___/10 Fair/Could use Improvement 2 Poor/Missing 0 Student included at least 2-3 images 1-2 spelling grammar errors Student included 0 images 3+ spelling grammar errors Most pictures, music, and text are appropriate for school and are respectful of school policies and classroom expectations Student did not explain the topic Student described the topic with little detail. The reader understands little about the topic Addendum: Week Six Assignment: Pick One Herbal Medicinal and write a 2 page report on it to share with the class, follow same rubric as the padlet rubric. Book to Use is : Barbara Dossey, Holistic Nursing, A Handbook For Practice 7th Edition, Chapter 16.
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Explanation & Answer


Aloe Vera
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• The Aloe Vera is a cactus plant which looks like
a cactus and it grows wild in hot, dry and
tropical climates all over the world.

• It can be grown for medicinal, decorative or
agricultural purposes.

• The Aloe Vera is known for its gel and latex,
which are used for medicinal purposes. Aloe
Vera gel is usually clear and jelly-like and is
located in the aloe plant leaf. Aloe Vera latex is
yellow in color and is excreted from under the
plant's skin.

• Individuals can crush the whole leaf to get a
product containing both latex and gel.

History of Aloe Vera
• Aloe Vera has been used in the past and is
considered one of the ancient plants on record
due to its health and medicinal purposes.

• The Ancient Egyptians referred to it as the “plant
of immortality” and as the Chinese used it for the
treatment of wounds, reduce fever and burns.


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