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Health Medical


1- Summarize the 10 major provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 .

2- Discuss and describe the role of Health and Human Services and specifically the role of three (3) Operating Divisions. i.e. FDA, NIH, CMS, CDC etc

3- What are the ABCs of Life? What is the Results Pyramid?How can you apply the "Results Pyramid" to your relationships personally and professionally.

4- Define and discuss the Health Insurance Marketplace

5- Describe five milestones of medicine and medical education and their importance to health care.

6- Explain the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary prevention

7- Share a summary of what you learned from any of our five guest speakers. What did they share? What were your key takeaways? What facts did you learn about them? What are you going to do differently based on what you learned?

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: HEALTH CARE


Health Care


Health Care

1. Summarize the 10 major provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act of 2010.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010) has ten titles. The first title is the
Quality, Affordable Care for All Americans. It required the uninsured Americans to buy
insurance or pay 1% of their income. The second title is the Role of Public Programs. The Act
extended Medicaid cover to all people whose income was below 138% of the federal poverty
level. The third provision; Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Health Care provides
prescription drug coverage. The provision of Prevention of Chronic Disease and Improving
Public Health supports preventive health care. The Healthcare Workforce provision provides
scholarships and loans to increase the healthcare workforce.

The sixth provision is the Transparency and Program Integrity. The program guides
doctors to report any interests they may hold in any imaging company. Improving Access to
Innovative Medical Therapies is the seventh provision, and it provides discounts for hospitals
handling low-income patients. The eighth provision is the Community Living Assistance
Services and Supports Act (CLASS Act). It provides financial assistance for physically
challenged Americans as well as offers assistance to special care homes (Emmanuel, 2014). The
Revenue Provision describes the Medicar...

Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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