CB Toddlerhood Class Developmental Psychology Discussion

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SUNY College at Brockport


Chapter 5: Toddlerhood Class: Developmental Psychology

-What is deferred imitation?  What types of things might a child imitate during toddlerhood? How does this relate to the development of a child's hippocampus at certain ages (before and during toddlerhood)?

- Respond to student response to this question in 5 sentences as well and say what you disagree or agree with.

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Allen COLLAPSE Deferred imitation is the developing ability to mirror, repeat, and practice the actions of others, either immediately or later 8 months, 18 months, 36 months. At around 8 months of age, children imitate simple actions and expressions of others during interactions. It is something that cannot be done at that time. Infants defer actions because they are not physically or cognitively able to perform that action when it takes place, It is a method of learning that will come to when the infant is physically or mentally capable of the act. It is also a means of teaching someone who is trying to regain certain capabilities. Toddlers desire to explore new objects and people also is increasing. During this stage, they show greater independence, begin to show defiant behavior, recognize themselves in pictures or a mirror and imitate the behavior of others, especially adults and older children. Imitation is a crucial aspect of skill development because it allows us to learn new things quickly and efficiently by watching those around us. Most children learn everything from gross motor movements, to speech, to interactive play skills by watching parents, caregivers, siblings and peers perform these behaviors. www.study.com
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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.Hey buddy,I hope you're well.Kindly find the attached final copy of the answers.In case of any edits needed, kindly let me know.It was a pleasure working with you.Kindly invite me for future assignments.

I agree with you that imitation mimics the actions of others by toddlers. It really helps
children learn much faster by mirroring what other people, especially their caregivers, parents, or
siblings, are doing, saying, or behavior. Therefore, it becomes an important skill development
aspect that is more efficient and effective...

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.


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