web design week 2

User Generated




Use HTML and CSS (do not submit .aspx files!) to create a Web site for this course. **Please notice all requirements below for full credit. **

The main Web page has three sections: the top banner section for Web site title and some graphics, the narrow bottom-left section for navigation links, and the large bottom-right section for the contents of the link that the user has chosen on the navigation link section.

CSS division-based layout should be used for your solution.

Checklist of requirements for full credit:

  • Topic is this course.  You may use the objectives of each lesson as much of the content.
  • Minimum of three correctly linked pages.
  • At least one image on each page.
  • Majority of style in external CSS file.
  • Layout positioned using CSS positioning, not tables.
  • Should display correctly in at least IE and Firefox.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer

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