FNU Criminal Justice Questions

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Florida National University

Question Description

I'm working on a criminal justice writing question and need support to help me learn.

What should a list of deadly weapons or instrumentalities include?

Can there be a definitive list? How does your state statute define the term “deadly weapon?”

  1. Provide five state cases regarding the use of a deadly weapon. Each case must expand the list of common deadly weapons. For example, guns, knives, bats are obviously deadly weapons, so do not reference cases where those items were used. The five cases must discuss "normal" items and how they were defined by the court as deadly weapons. Only criminal cases from your state, from LexisNexis, are to be cited. Provide the full citation and a very brief summary of the court's reasoning for categorizing the item as a deadly weapon (i.e., why is it a deadly weapon?). For grading purposes, this response must have each case numbered accordingly: 3(a), 3(b), 3(c), 3(d), 3(e).
  2. Read the article regarding Victor Diego. Here is a LINK to the article ( https://www.huffpost.com/entry/victor-diego-transg... 
  3. Answer the following question in third person (i.e. no use of “I”). The response CANNOT be in first person. Support all arguments with primary authority or secondary scholarly sources from FNU Library's ProQuest Database or LexisNexis.

Should defendants be punished more severely for committing crimes based on demographic characteristics, such as  person who was victimized in the story? You must draft a three-paragraph response based on this outline:

Paragraph One: Summarize the Victor Diego article.

Paragraph Two: Using primary authority or secondary scholarly sources, explain your argument (demographics SHOULD be considered when sentencing, or, demographics SHOULD NOT be considered when sentencing).

Paragraph Three: Discuss one current event (no older than 2016) where the victim's demographics directly impacted the defendant's sentence. For this paragraph, you may use a newsworthy credible source from the ones listed in the Student Success Materials. In case you did not review all of those materials, here is the LINK to the specific file. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rdos2VMqf3GJyT...

Draft your response in a doc file, preferably Google Docs to ensure that it does not get lost. Submit ONE doc or pdf file as an attachment.

Legal studies students follow Bluebook Practitioner Rules (fully embedded citations). All other students follow APA rules (embedded in-text cites linked to an alphabetical "references" list of all sources). Refer to the CITATION files in the Student Success Folder.

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Criminal Justice

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Criminal Justice
Part One
A list of deadly weapons should include any firearm or object that is utilized in such a
way it causes harm to other parties. From a legal perspective, deadly weapons will sometimes be
composed of objects that a person would not expect. For instance, if one attacks and injures
another person with a hockey stick, it will be considered a deadly weapon. Therefore, the list will
be composed of anything that can be used to cause bodily harm to another individual. It is not
possible to have a definitive list of deadly weapons. That is because it is possible to use an...

Xvfuarjg2017 (49929)
Duke University

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