PAD 345 SNHU Graphic Organizer Worksheet

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PAD 345

Southern New Hampshire University



Overview: For your third competency project, the policy position presentation, you will be provided with a policy that has been heavily influenced by recent societal events and be tasked with determining how it has been influenced by and how it influences finance, programs, and organizations. You will take on one of the various roles of the public to analyze the policy and present your analysis from a stakeholder viewpoint. This assignment will allow you to examine the various stakeholder roles in that policy. Prompt: For this assignment, you will be considering the perspectives of four different stakeholders in the policy scenario: a lobbyist (Laura Craft), an elite (Victor Morrison), a program administrator (Mary Jackson), and a budget/finance administrator (LaRon Branford). Review the policy scenario and complete the graphic organizer to articulate a value proposition for each of the stakeholders. You will need to put yourself in the shoes of each of these stakeholders and consider what they likely want from the policy issue under consideration. Your value propositions should follow the What Makes Strong Nonprofit Value Propositions section in Better Nonprofit Value Propositions Mean Better Results. Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below.  Value Proposition for a Lobbyist: Create a clear and concise value proposition from the perspective of a lobbyist.  Value Proposition for an Elite: Create a clear and concise value proposition from the perspective of an elite.  Value Proposition for a Program Administrator: Create a clear and concise value proposition from the perspective of a program administrator.  Value Proposition for a Budget/Finance Administrator: Create a clear and concise value proposition from the perspective of a budget/finance administrator.

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PAD 345 Module Six Graphic Organizer Complete the graphic organizer below by addressing the stakeholders in the left column and creating a value proposition statement for each in the right column. This assignment will be graded according to the criteria in the Module Six Graphic Organizer Guidelines and Rubric document. Remember to review the policy scenario. Stakeholder Lobbyist (Laura Craft) Elite (Victor Morrison) Program Administrator (Mary Jackson) Budget/Finance Administrator (LaRon Branford) Value Proposition Statement
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PAD 345 Module Six Graphic Organizer
Complete the graphic organizer below by addressing the stakeholders in the left column and creating a value proposition statement for each in the right co...

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