NSG 8150 Week 6 Acute Coronary Syndrome Questions

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NSG 8150



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RESPONSE POST Each student will respond with well-written exclusionary criteria/considerations for both differential diagnoses presented in the post (how would you rule out these differentials to confirm the primary/listed diagnosis - what makes them different clinically, what diagnostics should you consider, etc...). Presenting /Listed diagnosis in 1st post: Acute Differential diagnosis listed are: Coronary Syndrome 1. Pulmonary embolism 2. Esophagitis Presenting/Listed diagnosis in 2nd post: COPD Differential diagnosis listed are Asthma & CHF Each response should be at least 250 words, and students should cite all references using APA 7th edition format. Points will be deducted for failure to cite work, failure to meet minimum word count, and incomplete answers and/or poor presentation of the information listed above. In the past there has been discussion about the need for a "standardized" nursing terminology (SNT). There are already several classification systems, standards, and terminologies for nursing practice. Those include the international classification for nursing practice (ICNP), alternative billing codes (ABC), North American Nursing Association (NANDA), Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), and Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). Utilize resources from assigned readings and answer the questions below, provide answers in APA format with reference page 250300words. Why are standardized terminologies important when using different types of health information technology in the provision of care and healthcare operations? In today's healthcare environment, is there a need for a standardized nursing terminology (SNT)? Why or why not? what would be the most ideal way to implement a SNT in a healthcare facility? What are the benefits of having the nursing staff review and update the procedures, data dictionaries, and other hospital documentation to reflect the chosen SNT be beneficial to the centralized work? Readings Review the discussion prompt before starting the readings to guide your note-taking. 1. Interoperability in Healthcare 2. Review SNOMED CT Starter Guide 3. Visit the Health Terminologies and Ontologies Brightspace site and read the terminology and classification overviews and definitions. Use this as a reference.
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Acute coronary disease
Acute coronary disease is any condition in which a sudden blockage of blood flow to
the heart occurs; it is caused by decreased coronary perfusion causing myocardial ischemia
with the ability to turn necrotic. The diagnosis requires an Electrocardiogram, blood tests,
Coronary angiogram, stress test, and a careful review of signs and symptoms. You are going
to have progressive, crushing chest pain (along with other myocardial infractions symptoms),
nausea, dyspenea, light headedness, and diaphoresis.; use Troponin to rule in (but this is not
specific and needs to be used in correlation to clinical symptoms and risk factors) when no
dynamic electrocardiogram changes are present.
Pulmonary embolism is a conditi...

Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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