ORG 535 UP The Impact on Company Performance of The Approach Worksheet

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Business Finance

ORG 535

University of Phoenix



Southwest Airlines is a well-known company featured in our textbook. Over the next 4 weeks, you will take on the fictional role of intern at Southwest Airlines Human Resources. You will utilize the textbook and other professional resources to complete your assessments.
Your first week on the job is filled with learning the ins and outs of Human Resources and the industry. Your manager told you that one of your projects is to assist with a new HR strategy for the company. This strategy is broken down into 3 parts that you will work on throughout the course. They are:

  1. Examining current practices
  2. Talent recruitment and selection
  3. Strategy recommendation
  4. Your first task is to examine Southwest's current HR practices, as reported in public sources. Complete the HR Design Decisions chart with your review and rationale of the elements listed below to decide where Southwest Airlines' HR practices fall. Support the analysis with evidence from sources on the web.
  • Employees as expenses vs. employees as assets
  • Compensation below market, above market, or competitive
  • Spontaneous training and development or planned training and development
  • Specific job descriptions or general job descriptions
  • External or internal recruitment, or both
  • Limited socialization of new employees or extensive socialization
  • Collective bargaining or individual bargaining
  • Possible sources for information include but are not limited to:
  • Organization website and associated websites
  • Websites that specialize in company reviews and job postings

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ORG/535 v1 Wk 2 – Apply: HR Design Decisions Instructions For each of these 7 HR design decisions, check the box for the choice that most matches where you think Southwest Human Resources falls. While the organization likely does not fall cleanly into one or the other extreme, pick the one that it more clearly resembles. Then, in the right-hand column, evaluate how well that choice works. Items to consider, but not limited to, in your analysis include: • • • • The impact on company performance of the approach Effectiveness of the approach The impact on employee morale and engagement of the approach Alignment with the strategy of the approach Design Decisions Choices Analysis of how well each choice works View of employees Employees as expenses Employees as assets Compensation Below market Competitive Above market Training and Development Spontaneous Planned Job Descriptions Specific General Recruitment External Mixed Internal Onboarding – Socialization of new employees Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Wk 2 - HR Design Decisions ORG/535 v1 Page 2 of 2 Limited Extensive Bargaining Collective Individual References Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
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ORG/535 v1

Wk 2 – Apply: HR Design Decisions
For each of these 7 HR design decisions, check the box for the choice that most matches where you think
Southwest Human Resources falls. While the organization likely does not fall cleanly into one or the other
extreme, pick the more resembles one. Then, in the right-hand column, evaluate how well that choice
Items to consider, but not limited to, in your analysis include:

The impact on company performance of the approach
Effectiveness of the approach
The impact on employee morale and engagement of the approach
Alignment with the strategy of the approach

Design Decisions

Analysis of how well each choice works

View of employees

Southwest Airways mostly uses employees as assets
because, according to Dahl (2017), the company shared
$586 million of its profits with all workers as part of its
bonus. Apart from this, the company also put in its budget
$351 million as part of its plan for its employees. With
this, Airways has succeeded and secured a better place
in the market. The company uses its employees as
assets that have created a good environment for all of
them to be positive and work well according to the
company's re...

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