University of Phoenix Correctional? Dispositional Plan Discussion

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University of Phoenix


Scenario:?You are a juvenile corrections officer?tasked with?making recommendations?to a judge?for?a juvenile’s entire course of treatment. You?can advise on?the?sanctions?they should receive;?the?components of their correctional treatment;?the programs, training, or institutions that should?assist them;?any?alternatives?or?special conditions?to consider;?and?terms for?their?aftercare?and transition back into the community.Write?a?525- to 700-word?correctional?dispositional plan?for?a juvenile.Choose?1?of the?following?juveniles?to use as an example?case study?for this week’s?assignment:

  • Donovan from “Second Chance Kids”?(see this week’s University Library Videos)
  • Rolon from “Second Chance Kids”
  • Shawn from?Juvenile Justice
  • Jose?from?Juvenile Justice
  • Manny?from?Juvenile Justice
  • Marquese?from?Juvenile Justice
  • Gina, from?the?Ch. 11 Critical Thinking Exercises #3?(p. 313)
  • Any of the juveniles from the Week 3 court session videos
  • Note:?If you choose an example?with a known?correctional plan,?do not propose the same?plan from the original case study.?Make your own recommendations for?a?different?process?for?the juvenile’s?treatment. Complete?the following in your?recommended plan for the juvenile:
  • Summarize?the outcome of the adjudication process and the disposition in this case.
  • Describe?the treatment of the juvenile in this situation.
  • Explain?how law enforcement?and the courts?might?have?interacted differently with?this person?as a juvenile?than if he?or she?had been an?adult.
  • Explain?the risk factors that need to be considered in the assessment of this juvenile.
  • Explain?how the combination of factors considered in this case were connected and influenced the?original?outcome, if at all.
  • List?any additional information you would like to have?before considering?other?correctional?treatments?for the juvenile.
  • Recommend?2?alternative?correctional strategies for this juvenile:?1?that?includes?a correctional program?that exists in your state?and?1?other?potential?option.
  • Explain?how you could?monitor,?measure,?report, and support the juvenile’s?progress?through treatment.
  • Justify?your?plan?with?evidence?that supports your recommendations.

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Explanation & Answer

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Dispositional Plan

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Dispositional Plan
Juvenile Justice: Shawn
Shaw evades getting convicted in an adult court for pleading guilty to the charges he gets
accused of. Claims of acquiring the privilege of not getting sentenced due to their racial
composition and belonging to a wealthy family makes Shawn avoid receiving punishment and
justice as deserved. Despite the portrayal of negative behavior even while in the custody of the
juvenile, he gets minimal punishment with much freedom that should not be the case. He engages
in oral sex in the cells and continues to use drugs after getting out of the cells. His parents play an
integral part in ensuring that he does not face charges in the adult court that gets defined by the
concept of giving a mandatory 15 sentence of life (Welch-Brewer, 2018). The adult court is strict
compared to the juvenile court and inclines to treat Shawn in a differentiated dimension. Sh...

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