HIST1302 HCCS 9 11 Attacks Discussion

User Generated




Houston Community College System



I. What do you know about the 9/11 attacks? Reflect on what it means to you. It you were
too young to remember or to reflect on 9/11, interview someone who does.

II. Why is it important to understand how 9/11 affected the United States and much of the

III. How have the policies of the United States changed since 9/11? What cultural changes have
taken place since 9/11? What changes took place in society after 9/11?

IV. How did 9/11 lead to a war with Afghanistan? What does the end of the war in Afghanistan
mean to 9/11 twenty years later

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Explanation & Answer

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Hist 1302 9/11 Attacks

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Hist 1302 9/11 Attacks


The 9/11 are attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. In these attacks, a series of Airline
hijackings and suicide attacks got committed by 19 militants. The attackers were associated with
al-Qaeda, an Islamic extremist group (. The attacks were against the United Stat...

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