The Chimneysweeper When My Mother Died When I Was Very Young Discussion

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Introduction A.Lead-in

B.Identify the poem, the poet, the speaker and the situation

C.Thesis: a one-sentence statement of theme II.Ideas – a careful paraphrase/interpretation of all the ideas expressed in the poem

III.Emotions – a discussion of the emotions expressed within the poem

IV.Literary techniques – identify and discuss figurative language, imagery, symbols, etc. V.Style – a brief discussion of language and sentence structure VI.Critique – your reaction to the poem, some background (if needed), and conclusion

Poem that will be used

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Explanation & Answer

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Writing Question

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Q1: Identify the poem, the poet, the speaker, and the situation.
“The Chimneysweeper: When My Mother Died When I Was Very Young” is a poem
where the speaker explains how his mother died when he was very young. The speaker is still
very young when his father sold him to the life he is now leading. The speaker in this poem is a
young boy whose mother died and now he is living i...

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