LACC Disaster Response Presentation

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Health Medical

Los Angeles City College


Assignment Content

  1. Public health officials can play a huge part in disaster planning and emergency preparedness.
    Analyze disaster response and emergency preparedness:
    • Identify nursing roles and responsibilities during each phase of disaster management. Consider:
    • Planning
    • Preparedness
    • Response
    • Recovery
    • Evaluate your community or state's plan for preparedness and disaster management:
    • Does it include provisions for each phase of preparedness and disaster planning?
    • Does it clearly account for community needs?
    • Does the plan include evidence of thought beyond the written report?
    • Is there evidence of a record keeping system for resources, treatment, and identification of victims?
    • Are there redundancies built into the plan should one option fail? Are backup plans in place?
    • Analyze the plan for addressing mass casualty situations.

Explanation & Answer:
7 Slides
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Explanation & Answer

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Disaster Response

Nursing Roles and Responsibilities
 Nurses play different roles during disaster planning.
 Some of the roles include;
 Finding out the severity of the disaster likely to occur
 Determining the necessary resources to be used during a
 Finding out the most vulnerable people to the disaster (Saja et
al., 2019)

Nursing Roles and Responsibilities Cont’d
 The second phase in disaster management involves preparedness.
 The nurses’ roles and responsibilities during this phase include;
 Engaging in various training programs on how to address the
 Availing the ...

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