Are you heading for a certain destination?
- Walking out and back? Making a loop?
Dictated by certain clues (ex. turn right when...)?
Choose parameters of your walk
- Determine Actions or Goals for the Walk.
- Do you want to notice a particular something?
- Take a particular physical action?
Follow a rule (ex. if this, then that)?
Listen to headphones?
Interact with nature or people?
Take a certain action or posture?
- Collect objects?
Take photos?
- It can be whatever you choose: it is your walk.
Take your Art Walk!
- When you return, reflect upon the experience and make a record of your Art Walk.
Give your Art Walk a title. You may find the title reveals itself to you during this process.
- Print the Art Walk Handout below to finalize your assignment and submit for a grade. If you don't have a printer, use it as a template.
If you need more space than what is provided on the handout, attach additional pages as needed.
- Upload the Art Walk Handout and type your answer to the prompt in the submission box:
PROMPT: How was the Art Walk for you? Were you able to experience it as a creativity exercise? Or did the so-called "internal critic" show up and criticize? Please answer with a minimum of three sentences. Correct sentence punctuation and capitalization required.
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.🍃 🍁
Student Name:
Art Walk
Title: Fall Walk
15 Minutes
Route: Down bike trail
near my house
Photographs and
observations of fall colors
Observations: Yellowing foliage,...