Why is lean management great for project improvements, engineering homework help

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Skim the final (and possibly updated) project proposal form you produced to remind yourself of your commitments, read the provided Graduate Capstone Progress Report template, perform the research activities you have planned to do, and produce a progress report using the template tailoring out what is not needed. The report should be in the range of 1,500

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Graduate Capstone Project Progress Report Name: Report Date: Project Title: Faculty Advisor: Activities performed and results produced Literature reviewed listing key points found: • Books / Articles / Web resources 1 • Books / Articles / Web resources 2 • Books / Articles / Web resources 3 • Books / Articles / Web resources n Experiments conducted list key insights: • Surveys / Interviews / Experiments 1 • Surveys / Interviews / Experiments 2 • Surveys / Interviews / Experiments 3 • Surveys / Interviews / Experiments n Data you want but don’t know how to get: • Item 1 • Item 2 • Item 3 • Item n Stakeholder Meeting Summaries: Meeting 1 (Duplicate this for each meeting) Date: Attendees: Topics: Decisions: Plans: Graduate Capstone Project Progress Report To Do List: Literature research remaining • Item 1 • Item 2 • Item 3 • Item n Experiments remaining • Item 1 • Item 2 • Item 3 • Item n Analysis and other work remaining • Item 1 • Item 2 • Item 3 • Item n Faculty Advisor Feedback and Requests: • Item 1 • Item 2 • Item 3 • Item n Name: your name here 2
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Lean management for project improvements
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Lean management entails the adaptation of concepts such as, lean thinking, lean
manufacturing and lean construction into the context of a project management. The key concept
in lean management is the objective to produce more value with minimal waste in a project
setting. Standardization is one among the many techniques applied to project management.
One goal of lean management in projects is aid in bottle tops invention and removal in
the process of production in an attempt to increase growth and productivity. Lean is a systematic
way of eliminating waste in a manufacture system. The lean management approach makes what
adds value to the project obvious over all factors that do not add value. This philosophy
originated from Toyota Production System (TPS) (Shang, & Low, 2014).

Lean management eliminates waste
Waste is anything that does not add any value to a service or product in relation to the
equipment and time essential to the project. Overproduction, over-processing, waiting, inventory
defects and transportation are examples of waste that can be experienced in a project. Typically,
the introduction of lean management into a project such as manufacturing will cause massive
improvements to the project (Cortes, Daaboul, Le Duigou, & Eynard, 2016).
There will be fewer defects, a lowered need to re-do a certain work and an overall
improved quality performance. The concerned project will also experience fewer process and
machine breakdowns. Stock turnover will be greater and there will be a lesser levels of
inventory. Lean management will also contribute to improved performance delivery, faster



development in the project area,...

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