Walden University Lesson 2 Get Hired Quebec Brochure and Support Questions

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Hi buddy! I am still waiting for the video link so I can complete the questions that require me to use it. I am sending you the document containing the answer. However, since I have not done some sections that need clarifications (including the brochure section on Lesson 5 and a few other parts of Lesson 5), please go through it then clarify the requested information. If you have time, kindly send this back for revision so I can incorporate whatever is lacking. The data on graphs are also not very clear even after zooming in.PS: The questions were simple but really extensive. However, I would love to see you complete this task successfully. I will await your feedback. Thank you!!

Lesson 2
Support Questions
Question 24:
The Traditional Route
The Not-So-Traditional Route to the Hidden Marketplace
Question 25:
The heading ‘‘The Traditional Route’’ can have an alternative heading. The alternative heading can be
‘‘Finding Jobs Through Newspapers.’’ This choice is suitable because the traditional route to finding jobs
mainly entails searching for jobs through newspaper ads. Employers use the newspapers to link job
seekers and work. Newspapers are not common anymore, which makes them traditional. Thus.
‘traditional’ and ‘newspapers’ go hand in hand.
Question 26:
The second paragraph under the heading ‘‘The Traditional Route’’ could use bullets effectively. This is
because the bullets can be used to distinguish and highlight the different job banks that are all listed in
one paragraph. These job banks that could be bulleted are workpolos.com, monstera.ca,
careerbuilder.ca, and working.com. An example of how these bullets have been used effectively under
the sub-heading ‘’Online Search.’’ Bullets allow the reader/jobseeker to skim quickly through texts and
identify the information they want most.
Question 27. Matched headings with Texts
Heading A: Targeting Companies
Heading B- Networking: What it Is
Heading C-Networking: Who to Contact
Heading D-Other Avenues: Volunteering and Internships
Question 28:
(a) Targeting Companies
Alternative Heading: Contacting Hiring Firms
I have chosen this as an alternative heading because when a jobseeker is looking for a job, one
of the means discussed under the heading is identifying companies that have job openings and
contacting them. Contacting can be done through the company’s website, followed by
contacting them and sending a resume and cover letter.
(b) Networking: What it Is
Alternative Heading: Building Relationships
I have chosen this heading as an alternative heading because networking entails building
relationships. This heading suggests what networking is, therefore, a suitable alternative. Also,
with this heading, we do not have to explain what it means since it is self-explanatory for the
reader. Under this heading, the mention of people with whom to build relationships is suitable.
These people are listed as friends, family, and co-workers.
Question 29:
More potential contacts that can be added include:
People you meet at career fairs.
People you meet on social media who share the same interests with you.
Question 30: Volvo
Question 31: Please provide the video link.
Question 32: Please provide the video link.
Question 33: Please provide the video link.
Question 34: Please provide the video link.
Question 35: Automotive service technicians are expected:
(a) Diagnose and repair mechanical and electri...

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