GS 2010 FIT Global Issues a Cross Cultural Perspective by Shirley Fedrak Essay

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GS 2010

South Florida Institute of Technology



I have an assignment about Critical Analysis  that you should take the words from the textbook: "global issues: a cross-cultural perspective"

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First and Last Name GS 2010 – Fall 2021 Critical Analysis #1/2 (choose correct number) 1. What is the title of your reading? 2. How many pages is the reading? 3. What country or countries are being represented/discussed in the reading? 4. Why did you choose this reading? What was your rationale? 5. In your own words, describe your thoughts, perceptions, and insights about the reading. 6. What specifically did you like or dislike about the reading? 7. What are you taking away? How might you use or apply this information in the future? CRITICAL ANALYSIS 1 & 2 Critical Analysis #1 (Unit 3) Due: Sunday, October 17, 2021 by 11:59PM Critical Analysis #2 (Unit 4) Due: Sunday, November 7, 2021 by 11:59PM For each Critical Analysis, you must follow this four (4) step process: 1- The first step is to select one (1) specific chapter from the Global Issues text. Your selected reading will serve as the focus for your Critical Analysis. It is recommended that you select a reading based on your personal interests to expand your understanding of cross-cultural experiences. You may select any chapter, even if we have yet to read it. 2- The second step is to find a suitable location, and, once ready and settled, begin to carefully read your selection and take notes. 3- The third step is to begin to create your Critical Analysis. In a separate document, be sure to type your name, “GS 2010”, “Spring 2021”, and the appropriate Critical Analysis Number (1 or 2) at the top. Copy and paste the following questions and provide responses for each. I’ve provided you with a template in the “Assignments & Instructions” section of the Content tab on D2L. • • • • • • • What is the title of your reading? How many pages is the reading? What country or countries are being represented/discussed in the reading? Why did you choose this reading? What was your rationale? In your own words, describe your thoughts, perceptions, and insights about the reading. What specifically did you like or dislike about the reading? What you are taking away? How might you use or apply this information in the future? Your Critical Analysis should: - be double spaced, using 12-point font - should reflect formal writing, so there should be no slang or use of contractions - should be well written, with proper spelling, syntax, punctuation, and grammar - should run 1,000 to 1,250 words - if you bring in outside sources, or directly quote from the text, you must cite using APA format - be in Q&A format (question listed and then answered in paragraph form, when applicable) 4- The fourth and final step for your Critical Analysis assignment 1 and 2, is to upload your document to the corresponding folder in D2L. Be sure that your document is uploaded in either Microsoft Word or PDF format. Follow the due dates for each unit. These two Critical Analysis assignments will help cultivate a better understanding and appreciation of cross-cultural experiences, global citizenship, and skills in reading, critical thinking, and writing. It is OK to disagree with the text. Feel free to bring in outside sources to your responses (be sure to cite), in order to better strengthen your position. 2
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Student’s Name
GS 2010 – Fall 2021
Critical Analysis No.
Ethnic Conflicts: What are the underlying reasons and the consequences of these
The paper presents the critical analysis of chapter eleven of the book Global Issues:
A cross-cultural Perspective, authored by Shirley A. Fedrak in 2013. The entire chapter
contains thirteen (13) pages which run from page 137 to page 150. This chapter examines the
global ethnic conflict by addressing the causes and consequences of the famous war in
Western Sudan, Darfur, between 2014 and 2014. Although the author mentions other
countries that experienced humanitarian crises, such as Afghanistan, Burundi, Angola, and
Iraq, to emphasize the effects of domestic conflicts on a global scale, this chapter strictly
analyzes the causes and consequences of the Darfur genocide.
Why did you choose this reading? What was your rationale?
Although there are other interesting readings on global issues across diverse cultural
perspectives in Fedrak's book, I have a special interest in understanding the nature and effect
of ethnicity across different cultures in the world. This chapter presents a unique opportunity
for the reader to gain vital information and develop their perspective from a recent case study.
The Darfur genocide in Western Sudan ala...

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