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I need you complete 4 essay for me. In the writing you need to follow my requirement and have a good grammer. You dont need to use too much difficult vocabulary. When you accept my assignment I will send all detials and requiremet about my essay to you.

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: DESCRIPTION





Color is a substantial difference in whichever concept one chooses to place it. Humans
have for ages used color to discriminate against each other despite there being no real difference
between colored and white persons. Therefore, when choosing to make a specific description of
maybe a person or a thing, color comes to the forefront especially since different rays of colors
attract humans. My observation point was derived from the different color variations that are
present in a group of university students who attend the same class. The group was a mixture of
boys and girls, all of the same age bracket of around 19-20years of age. The aspect of color
gained importance in this observation experiment since color was used to bring out different
attributes of individual characters in the group. Color helps in creating an understanding that
helps the society to live in harmony and appreciate growth as an aspect of human development.
The group is composed of a girl’s majority that is driven by modern-day fashion, which is
evident in the bright colored clothes they are all donning. Pink, red, green, blue, with a touch of
orange and yellow are the main colors that evident their clothing. The colors are well placed
within an individual person’s dressing and for one specific girl, she dons a red-maroon wig, a
blue dress with a red scarf around the neck, and green shoes. These clothes are simply not meant
to cover their bodies, but to personify the individuality of the youth in keeping up with the
fashion trend. Today’s youth are driven by fame, an element that drives them to make
themselves noticeable and different from the common citizen. For example, all the girls in the
group are noticeably donning brightly colored nail polish that standout from the normal polish
used on nails by women. Black, orange, yellow, and white are the obvious colors used as nail
polish by the girls. These colors attract attention and are different from normal nail polish used



by other women. They offer these youths an opportunity to create an image of substance in a
rather normal way that can only be realized by careful observation.
The second element of color within the group is that of skin color. The group has a good
representation of all races without really having been intentionally chosen to belong to such a
group. There are blacks, Asians, whites, and South American representatives in the group. The
racial representation of the group is a noticeable aspect of the group since it is not common to
find such a good mixture of persons from different racial background. Importantly, this aspect of
racial differentiation depict the reality of modern-day society in being tolerant to the many
persons from different cultures and background. Color has continued to be a very important
element in defining people within a society. Today’s society has continued to be driven by the
instrumentality of culture and the individuality of color, as the two elements that define as a
society as a whole. Racial integration has been the defining factor in creating a basis through
which the society is perceived to have attained wholeness. When such a group and especially a
youth group is able to have such a good racial representation that has harmony and good
integration, a peaceful and successful future is assured for the generation to come.


Running head: CAUSE AND EFFECT


Cause and Effect


Cause and Effect

Education has always been an important front in my life and that of my family. This
importance has been evidenced by the amount of sacrifice that my family has made so that my
siblings and I can attain a quality education. My father has been very instrumental in
emphasizing the importance of education as a gateway through which our family was meant to
achieve success and class in our society. We have seen him and mother struggle to ensure that
we are comfortable and that we get the same experience as the other children. Therefore, I have
learned that I have to show cause and purpose in my education and to always aim to be the best.
This led me to be careful and diligent in my education. However, as calamities happen, mine
came earlier than I thought and in a manner that I least expected.
High school education is only qualified to those who manage to attain the cut-off marks
to go to high school. By the time I sat for my lower school examinations, I was confident I would
emerge victoriously as the best student in my area. However, as nature would dictate, two
months before my final examinations, I fell sick and was admitted to the hospital. A month later
and three weeks to the examinations, I was discharged having fully recovered. I had applied for
the best school in the country and everyone believed and expected me to attain marks to qualify
for that school. However, my hospitalization had instilled anxiety in me and I became more
scared as I felt I had not read enough to sit for the exams. As days went by, I became more
anxious and I found myself panicking over the information I had full knowledge of. This panic
made me not to understand anything that I read and by the time I sat for my final exam, I had lost
it. My parents and teachers tried to encourage me by reminding me that this was another
examination just like the others and that I should relax and face it with full confidence. This was
not and when the results came out, I had not made the cut-off mark.



I could not face myself, let alone my parents, my teachers, or the community. My first
instinct was to run away and never come back, but after much thought, I decided to face my
parents. Despite my failure to attain the required marks, I was ready to continue with my high
school education at another school. However, my father could hear none of it and decided that
the only way out of the situation was for me to repeat my last year of lower school. That was the
last thing on my mind and I refused. The following one month saw me run away to my
grandmother’s place. I was ready to become a farmhand if I was going to repeat school. My
father stood by his decision and as days progressed, I realized that if I didn’t make to school
before first term deadline, I was going to be the laughing stock in the community for a whole
year. I lowered my pride and went back home. It was the most difficult decision of my life. I
couldn’t imagine my friends moving away and being a stranger in a school where I was
considered an academic hero. I requested my dad to let me study in a different school from the
one I had been previously. My dad did not deny me my wish and the next week I was moved to
my new school. It took time for me to adapt and slowly by slowly, I learned to appreciate the
opportunity to prove myself and by the time the final exam came, I was ready. I was determined
that I was not going to repeat the mistake I made the previous year. When the results came out, I
was the best student in the state and I was called to my dream school. Despite it being the most
difficult decision I have ever ...

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.


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