Sample Case analyze , business and finance homework help

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Business Finance


Reading the case I provide(Porsche: The cayenne Launch which start from page 30 ). Writing a case brief including the answer of the following questions. At least 800 words


  • How much and in what ways has the launch of Cayenne changed the meaning of the Porsche brand?
  • What is the value of the Rennlist online brand community to Porsche?
  • How does it help or hurt the brand?
  • Should Wiedeking listen to the Rennlist brand community? Why or why not?
  • Imagine you are a new Cayenne owner. How does the Rennlist brand community affect your Porsche ownership experience?
  • Does the Cayenne launch make the Panemara easier or more difficult?

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Porsche Cayenne Launch
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Porsche Cayenne Launch
Question 1
The Porsche brand had traditionally been known to produce high performance, expensive
sports cars and the introduction of a new model of cars was meant to diversify its portfolio of
cars. This diversification was initiated by the company’s new C.E.O. who had come in at a time
when the company was coming out of bankruptcy. Under his stewardship, the company was able
to avoid total collapse and began a journey back to profitability. It became apparent how volatile
the high-performance sports market was and how any changes would affect a specialized
company such as Porsche significantly thus prompting the company to consider diversifying into
new markets. One of these new markets being the emerging S.U.V market. The launch of
Porsche Cayenne was meant to do just that and strengthen the company’s foundation and
broaden its portfolio. It also helped the company mitigate the problem posed by the volatile highperformance sports car market. The ne...

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