MVNU Family Interview Project

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Health Medical

Mount Vernon Nazarene University


I need help with a summary paper for this Genomics class I am in.   I completed  a bunch of interview questions about my family and did a Pedigree/Genogram on my family.  I will attach this information.  Now we have to write a paper summarizing the genomic influences.   Could you please help me again?

Summary Paper:

Summary Paper (20% of grade):  Each student will then write a paper summarizing the genomic influences on the interviewed family members’ health and genetic diseases passed down from generation to generation (refer to the rubric for the Summary Paper).  

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Family Interview Project 1. Can you tell me the names and ages of the family members for at least three generations of both sides of the family who are presently living? Donna, my aunt from my mother’s side of the family is 85 and doing well. I also have three aunts and one uncle from my dad’s side of the family – they are all in their 70’s. 2. When were these individuals born, married, separated, or divorced? My father’s parents were married in the 1940’s and remained married until the death of my grandmother who was 75 years of age when she passed away. My grandfather lived until 84 and passed away from heart complications. My mother’s parents were also married in the 1940’s and remained married until my grandmother passed away of breast cancer one year before I was born in 1969. My grandfather lived until he was in his late 70’s. He suffered a massive stroke. My mother and father were married for approximately 2 years and separated when my sister and I were 3 and 4. My father died at age 53 from complications of cirrhosis of the liver. My mother passed away at age 72. She suffered from early onset of Alzheimer’s – diagnosed at age 60. Ironically, my mother’s sister Shelia the oldest of the three sister’s was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at the same age and passed away at the same age. 3. What jobs did the family members hold? My mother worked at a fiberglass plant for many years until she was laid off at around age 38 and then she pursed a career in becoming a make up artist for Estee Lauder. She worked for many department stores including Lazarus, Dillard’s, Sax Fifth Avenue, and Nordstrom (her final place of employment). My father worked as an iron worker for many years all over Ohio. He then became disabled due to complications from being an alcoholic for several years. 4. Where did family members live? In what city and state? • • My mother’s side of the family lived in Haydenville, a very small town outside of Logan, Ohio. My maternal grandfather worked in a factory all his life. My maternal grandmother stayed at home and cared for the three girls they had. • • My father’s side of the family lived in Nelsonville, Ohio. My paternal grandparents were originally from Pineville, KY and moved to Nelsonville due to my grandfather’s job. My grandfather, Hollie, was a coalminer for many years. He then after retiring became an antique restorer and dealer. My sister and I spent many weekends with my paternal grandparents going to Antique Shows all over Ohio and Tennessee. My paternal grandmother did not work, but she did have many yard sales and opened a junk store at one point. 5. How did people get along in the family? Who was close to whom? Did anyone not speak to another family member? On my father’s side of the family, it was a very turmoil relationship between my father and grandfather and his siblings. My father was an alcohol – my grandmother was an enabler to him. She would do anything to get money for him so he could drink. This caused a lot of conflict and many disagreements and fights within the family. 6. Which family members were very successful at what they did? My uncle Norman from my dad’s brother was very successful. He got into the oil field business in Texas. 7. Which family members used alcohol or drugs, were arrested, had mental problems, committed suicide, or had other serious problems? My paternal grandfather and father were alcoholics. My grandfather self-recovered and lived many more years. My father succumbed to the disease and died from the complications of alcoholism. My father, I remember was arrested many times for numerous idiotic offenses from drinking. 8. What illnesses are found in the family? Both my mother’s side of the family and father’s side of the family have complications with heart disease – such high blood pressure and high cholesterol. My mother’s side of family there is cancer and Alzheimer’s. 9. What family secrets exist in our family (like a family member being gay but no one talks about it, or affairs that have occurred)? My cousin from my mom’s side of the family, Reagan is gay. When he first came out back in the 1980’s, it was not as acceptable in the family. My aunt Donna was in denial for many years before she came to terms with his sexuality. 10. How many children were in the family? My father’s side of the family, there were five siblings (2 boys, 3 girls). My paternal grandparents had 6 grandchildren and two great grandchildren before they passed away. My mother’s side of the family, there were three girls. My mother was the baby. My grandmother did not live to see her last two grandchildren, which were myself and my sister. They had five grandchildren prior to her death. 11. Was there anyone imprisoned? If so, did the family support them or abandon them? My nephew fell prey to addiction of heroin and methamphetamines. He spent five years in prison due to stealing and breaking and entering to get money for the drugs. He was released from prison two years ago and is doing outstanding. He was able to turn his life around, thanks to the programs offered in prison. He is a certified in heating and cooling. He just recently got married to his girlfriend who stuck with him all the years he was in prison. He had a lot of support while serving his time. 12. Do you have any concern about diseases that run in the family? I am very concerned about Alzheimer’s Disease, given my mother and aunt were both diagnosed at 60 and passed away at 72. I have a 50/50 chance of having this trait. I am not sure if I would want to be genetic tested or not. 13. Have any members had more than on type of cancer diagnosis? My maternal grandmother and aunt had breast cancer. My grandmother’s breast cancer metastasized to her liver. This is the only cancer I am aware of in my family. 14. Are there traits that run in our family? The traits that run in my family, both maternal and paternal side are that almost everyone on both sides is blonde hair, fair skin, blue and green eyes. The only two family members with dark hair were my grandfathers from both sides. No brown eyes. My paternal grandmother, my father, and I are the only strawberry blondes. All of the other siblings and grandchildren on both sides of my family are blonde hair and blue or green eyes. When I got married, my husband had dark hair and brown eyes, my son has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. My daughter and granddaughter on the hand both have light blonde hair and blue eyes. 15. have there been complicated pregnancies, infertility, or birth defects? The only pregnancy complication I am aware of is my paternal grandmother miscarried twins. 16. Has anyone in your family become sick or died at an early age? No one to my knowledge on either side of the family has become sick and died at an early age. 17. How would you describe our ethnicity? My father’s side of the family is German, British, and Irish. My mother’s side of the family is German and Dutch. Neither side follow any type of religion. 18. Are there risk factors that run in your family? The risk factors that run in my family would be heart disease, breast cancer, alcoholism, and Alzheimer’s Disease 19. Was there a presence of military backgrounds among the generations? If so, who served? My grandfather served in World War II, he served 4 years in the Army. My father was drafted into the Vietnam War and served in the Army but was dishonorably discharged after one year for some reason.
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Family Interview Project
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The interview was conducted to determine my genetic history was successful and helped
unearth some issues that I did not know existed. Research shows that genetics play a key role in
determining a person's health and acts as a risk factor for various diseases, such as Alzheimer's
disease, cancer, diabetes, AIDS, and alcoholism, among others (Claussnitzer et al., 2020). This
makes determining and collecting family history key whenever patients present themselves to the
healthcare facilities seeking treatment. Understanding one's genes with relation to diseases help
in taking the necessary preventive measures to reduce the risk of developing the diseases or
reduce their impacts. For example, a pregnant mother with AIDS is advised to take care of
herself in a certain way, with the baby also delivered in a specific way to ensure that there is no
transfer of the disease to the newborn. The interview questions asked helped me uncover that our
family members' health has been influenced by our genes, resulting in the passing down of
diseases from generation to generation. This assignment seeks to summarize the genomic
influences on my family members' health and genetic diseases passed down through generations.
One of the diseases identified that runs through our family lineage is Alzheimer's disease.
According to Dai et al. (2018), this is a progressive neurologic disorder resulting in the brain's
atrophy and the death of brain cells. It is the most common cause of dementia, affecting almost
5.6 million people in the United States older than 65 year...

Just what I needed. Studypool is a lifesaver!


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