Southwest Minnesota State University
Department of Nursing
NURS 450 Public/Community Health Clinical Experience (created during NURS 410 course)
Student Learning Goals and Objectives
In preparation for the NURS 450 Public/Community Health Clinical Experience, the student will reflect on the personal objectives that they wish
to accomplish during the precepted experience. Below are the NURS 450 Student Learning Objectives that the student will focus on during the
clinical practicum. Students will complete the “Student Goals,” “Student Objectives,” and “Projected Means of Meeting Student Goals” for each
“NURS 450 Student Learning Objective.” The student will also add one additional personal goal and objectives, not specific to a NURS 450
Student Learning Objectives, reflecting on what they would like to learn and experience during the precepted experience.
During the first student visit with the clinical preceptor during the NURS 450 course, the student will be discussing their Student Learning Goals
and Objectives as well as the Projected Means of Meeting the Student Goals with their clinical preceptor, prior to the initiation of their practicum
Student Name: __________
Clinical Agency: _ ______________________________________
Clinical Preceptor: ____________________________________________
NURS 450 Student Learning
NURS 450 Clinical Practicum
objective to demonstrate caring
behaviors with a focus on the value
of autonomy by respecting the
patient’s right to self-determination.
Student Goals
Student Objectives
Projected Means of
Meeting Student
Upon completion of the 75 clinical
hours, I will evaluate patient
compliance to home health care
(HHC) plan developed by the HHC
nurse as prescribed by Health Care
Provider (HCP).
1.Throughout my 75-hour clinical
experience I will assess and
compare HHC plan to patient
2. Throughout my 75-hour clinical
experience I will evaluate plan
with patient to measure
3. Throughout my 75-hour clinical
experience I will create plan with
patient to either continue plan or
improve plan to meet HCP’s goals.
Participate in a follow up visit
after a patient’s hospital
discharge and review the
patient’s plan with them.
Implement the nursing process to
measure the patient’s ability to
follow the plan. Use critical
thinking to problem solve if the
patient is struggling to follow the
plan. Synergize the patient’s right
to self-determination with
creative solutions for meeting
health goals.
4.Throughout my 75-hour clinical
experience I will re-evaluate the
HHC plans with patients during
weekly follow-ups.
NURS 450 Clinical Practicum
objective to demonstrate
competence in critical thinking,
communication, assessment and
technical skills with population
based clients and in nursing
leadership roles.
NURS 450 Clinical Practicum
objective to perform
developmentally appropriate public
health interventions including health
teaching, screening, referral, and
NURS 450 Clinical Practicum
objective to adapt
management/leadership skills to
meet the needs of the population
served in the preceptorship
Student’s Personal Goal and
During the 75-hour clinical I will
analyze the scope and breadth of the
role of the Public Health Nurse as
well as appraise the role of the
Department of Health and Human
Services in the community.
Take part in 75 hours of clinical
work with the guidance of a BSN
trained preceptor with the XX
county Health and Human
Services department.
Work with my preceptor to
experience variety in the
community as well as support the
logistical nature of her role in the
Public Health department.
During the first student visit with the clinical preceptor in the NURS 450 course, the student will discuss their Student Learning Goals, Objectives,
and Projected Means of Meeting the Student Goals with their clinical preceptor. The preceptor may guide the student towards appropriate
revisions of the goals/objectives to correlate the student’s goals/objectives with realistic goals/objectives that can be met at the clinical agency.
Preceptor/student suggestions for adaptations:
Preceptor Signature: ________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
At the completion of the clinical experience, the clinical preceptor and student will review the Student Learning Goals and Objectives of NURS
450 clinical experience and discuss the outcomes of the student goals.
Preceptor/student discussion of student outcomes of goals:
Preceptor Signature: ________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
SMSU Department of Nursing
NURS 410
Fall 2021
Student Learning Goals and Objectives Module
Module Objective: The student is able to prepare for the upcoming NURS 450
Public/Community Health Clinical Experience by creating clear goals and objectives.
It is very exciting time for you to arrange your community/public health clinical site and start
planning your time with your preceptor in NURS 450, when you will spend 75 hours with your
BSN prepared nurse preceptor. After you get to know more about the community/population that
you will serve while spending time with your preceptor, you will be able to write projected goals
and objectives for your time spent with your preceptor at your clinical sites. Following
successful completion of this module, you will be ready to write your goals and objectives for
your NURS 450 course experience.
Throughout your time as a nursing student, and while practicing nursing, you have written
SMART goals and objectives for various situations, including patient care. Most recently, you
have written goals and objectives as part of your NURS 400 course. Writing goals and objectives
for your experience in the NURS 450 course is very similar. To assist you, I have compiled a
brief review of writing goals and objectives to prepare you to write your goals and objectives for
your NURS 450 course.
To review, what are goals and objectives? What is the difference between SMART goals and
First, what is the SMART criteria?
What will be accomplished? What
actions will you take?
What data will measure the goal? How
much? How well?
Is the goal doable? Do you have the
necessary skills and resources?
How does the goal align with broader
goals? Why is the result important?
What is the timeframe for
accomplishing the goal?
What are SMART goals?
• A goal is an overarching statement that guides decision making. Goals should be high
level enough to encompass the core outcomes for which you are responsible, but specific
and clear enough so you will be able to measure success.
Updated 7-30-21
Statement of important results and designed in a way to foster clear and mutual
understanding of expected levels of performance.
A goal I have for the NURS 450 course, as an instructor, is for students to develop an increased
understanding of community/public health nursing by spending 75 hours with a BSN prepared
nurse by the end of the NURS 450 course.
What are SMART objectives? Objectives are specific, measurable steps that can be taken to
meet the goal. Objectives can be written in a manner that implicitly or explicitly outlines
important conditions/criterion. Measurable objectives are specific statements expressing the
desired qualities of key services; and the expected results of the services/experience. Objectives
should state:
•Who is involved: You as the student or the people/patient/client whose behaviors, knowledge
and/or skills are to be changed as a result of the program.
•What are the desired outcomes: The intended behavior, knowledge and/or skill changes that
should result from the program or activities.
•How progress is measured: What tool or device (surveys, tests, data from other sources) will be
used to measure the expected changes.
•When will the outcome occur: Identify the timeframe for success. (speaks to timeline per
SMART criteria)
An objective I have is to formulate one contract for all NURS 450 clinical sites before the
beginning of NURS 450.
Preparation: Please use the following resources to prepare for writing your goals and objectives
for your NURS 450 course.
1) Discover how to develop SMART learning goals. Using SMART goals and objectives helps
to create clarity in goals and objectives and provide a clear idea of what you want to learn. Here
is a valuable resource for you as you write your goals for your upcoming NURS 450 course
2) Reinforce your learning about SMART learning goals with this video:
Updated 7-30-21
3) You are doing great! Now that you have discovered more about SMART goals, you are
probably starting to think about goals and objectives for your upcoming NURS 450 course
experience. Many students have reported that writing goals and objectives surrounding
community /public health nursing is very different for them, in comparison to writing goals and
objectives for their individual patients. Here is an additional resource available for you to think
more specifically about writing objectives in the community/public health arena:
4) You are one step closer to writing your SMART goals and objectives. Lastly, as you think
about writing goals, you need to consider how to write your goals to describe your level of
expertise in the subject matter. For example, as you write your goals for your NURS 450 course,
your level of expertise is much higher than a student just entering their first nursing
course/program. I have provided a link to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Action Verbs within this
module. You will find this resource in the Student Learning Goals and Objectives Module in the
NURS 410/Materials/Content/Student Learning Goals and Objectives Module. This resource
should be used to guide your goals. Remember that the action verbs can help you describe your
level of expertise. Students in this course should use higher order verbs, as this is a senior
level nursing course. Looking at Bloom’s taxonomy, Level 1 Action Verbs are about
Remembering, and Level 2 Action Verbs are about Understanding. These are lower order verbs
that students new to nursing programs would utilize. Since students in this course are already
nurses, higher order verbs should be utilized for goals and objectives. Level 3 Applying and
Level 4 Analyzing Action Verbs may be used, however Level 5 Evaluating and Level 6
Creating Action Verbs are encouraged to be used.
To summarize:
• A SMART goal is an overarching statement that guides decision making and the
intention of the student.
A SMART objective has specific, measurable steps that can be taken to meet the goal.
A SMART goal/objective is:
Bloom’s Taxonomy Higher level action verbs are most appropriate to use for your goals
for this assignment.
Great job! Now that you have prepared to create goals and objectives for your upcoming NURS
450 course you may take the Student Goals and Objectives Quiz. You will find this quiz in the
Student Learning Goals and Objectives Module in the NURS 410/Materials/Content/Student
Learning Goals and Objectives Module.
Once you have completed your practicum proposal and the quiz, you are ready to start creating
your goals and objectives for your NURS 450 course!
Updated 7-30-21
Writing your NURS 450 Student Learning Goals and Objectives
The grading rubric for the NURS 450 Student Learning Goals and Objectives is available in the
NURS 410 syllabus, as well as at the end of this document. A template has been provided for
you to use as you write your NURS 450 Student Learning Goals and Objectives. You must use
the specific template provided – as the final product of your Student Learning Goals and
Objectives will be taken with you to your preceptor site in your NURS 450 course.
You will note the template has four Student Learning Objectives already listed for you. You
must use this template for the assignment requirements. These are the objectives from the
NURS 450 Syllabus. Your task, for each of these Student Learning Objectives, is to create a
goal, an objective, and describe how you plan to meet this goal. Lastly, you will see an area
available for you to add one more goal and objective of your personal choice. You need to add
one personal goal, which will really help your preceptor learn about what you want to get out of
this experience.
Sometimes students have struggled with including a Projected Means of Meeting Student
Goals/Objectives. Your projected means of meeting student goals/objectives is basically what
you think you will be able to do to meet your goal and objective. Let me give you an example
outside of the clinical context that may help. As noted above, I wrote a goal and objective for
A Goal I have for the NURS 450 course, as an instructor, is for students to develop an increased
understanding of community/public health nursing by spending 75 hours with a BSN prepared
nurse by the end of the NURS 450 course.
An Objective I have is to formulate one contract for all NURS 450 clinical sites before the
beginning of NURS 450.
My Projected Means of Meeting Student Goals/Objectives is that I will contact each clinical
site as soon as I receive the contact information for the site so I can start arranging a contract
with them. This will lead to a clinical experience for the student - which will help me meet my
Other outcome examples include:
What is the outcome?
•Change in achievement
•Change in behavior
•Change in attitude
How is it measured?
•Incidence of behavior
•Student log
Updated 7-30-21
What is the outcome?
How is it measured?
I hope you can see how the goal, objective, and projected means of meeting student goals and
objective all flow together.
I am sure you realize that you will learn much more about your upcoming clinical site once you
begin to spend time with your preceptor. At this point in time, use the knowledge you have
about the clinical site, and the role of your preceptor, to complete this assignment. You will take
this document with you when you first meet with your preceptor in your NURS 450 course. At
that time, your preceptor will review your goals and objectives with you – and suggest necessary
changes if the goals and objectives you have written are not feasible in that clinical setting.
Preceptors really appreciate the thought and effort you have put into these goals so they can
initially get to know you through your goals and objectives and get an idea about what you
would like to get out to the NURS 450 clinical experience.
Please note that a draft review option for your Student Learning Goals and Objectives is
available to you. I would encourage everyone to use this resource. This draft review is not a
requirement however, students who have used this resource in the past seem to be more satisfied
with the end result of this assignment. To submit a draft review of your Student Learning Goals
and Objectives, please submit your draft copy in the NURS 410 Student Learning Goals and
Objectives Draft Review Assignment Dropbox by the due date, 11-14-21 at 11:59pm.
Once your Student Learning Goals and Objectives are completed, you will place the final
assignment in the NURS 410 Student Learning Goals and Objectives assignment drop box,
which is due, 11-21-21 at 11:59 pm.
Updated 7-30-21
Appendix B
Student Learning Goals and Objectives Rubric: 100 points
Name: __________________________________ Date: ___________
NURS 450
Health Clinical
Experience objective
to demonstrate caring
behaviors with a focus
on the value of
autonomy by
respecting the patient’s
right to selfdetermination.
a. Student goal
and/or objective
includes all
components of
SMART criteria
relevant, and/or timelimited) using
Bloom's Taxonomy
higher level action
verb; and is clearly
written (4-7.5 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or
objective minimally
includes SMART
criteria (specific,
relevant, time-limited)
and/or does not use
Bloom’s higher level
action verb; and is
vaguely written (2-3
a. No student goal
and/or objective
is identified, or
SMART criteria
applied. Not clearly
written (0-1 pts.)
(15 pts.)
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies)
of meeting this
student goal and
objective is
identified, presenting
a realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (4-7.5 pts.)
NURS 450
Health Clinical
Experience objective
to demonstrate
competence in critical
assessment and
technical skills with
population- based
Updated 7-30-21
a. Student
goal and/or objective
includes all
of SMART criteria
relevant, and/or timelimited) using
Bloom’s higher level
b. No projected
means of meeting
the student
goal/objectives is
identified (0-1 pts.)
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies) o
f meeting this student
goal is identified, but
is not presenting a
realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (2-3 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or
objective minimally
includes SMART
criteria (specific,
relevant, time-limited,
and/or does not use
Bloom’s higher level
action verb and
a. No student goal
and/or objective
is identified, or
SMART criteria
applied. Not clearly
written (0-1 pts.)
b. No projected
means of meeting
the student
clients and in nursing
leadership roles. (15
action verb; and is
clearly written (4-7.5
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies)
of meeting this
student goal and
objective is
identified, presenting
a realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (4-7.5 pts.)
NURS 450
Health Clinical
Experience objective
perform developmenta
lly appropriate public
health interventions
including health
teaching, screening,
referral, and followup. (15 pts.)
a. Student
goal and/or objective
includes all
of SMART criteria
relevant, and/or timelimited) using
Bloom’s higher level
action verb; and is
clearly written (4-7.5
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies)
of meeting this
Student goal and
objective is
identified, presenting
a realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (4-5 pts.)
NURS 450
Health Clinical
Experience objective
to adapt management/
Updated 7-30-21
a. Student
goal and/or objective
includes all
of SMART criteria
vaguely written (2-3
goal/objectives is
identified (0-1 pts.)
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies) o
f meeting this student
goal is identified, but
is not presenting a
realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (2-3 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or
objective minimally
includes SMART
criteria: specific,
relevant, time-limited,
and/or does not use
Bloom’s higher level
action verb and
vaguely written (2-3
a. No student goal
and/or objective
is identified, or
SMART criteria
applied. Not clearly
written (0-1 pts.)
b. No projected
means of meeting
the student
goal/objectives is
identified (0-1 pts.)
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies) o
f meeting this student
goal is identified, but
is not presenting a
realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (2-3 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or
objective minimally
includes SMART
criteria (specific,
a. No student goal
and/or objective
is identified, or
SMART criteria
leadership skills to
meet the needs of the
population served in
the preceptorship
experience. (15 pts.)
relevant, and/or timelimited) using
Bloom’s Taxonomy
higher level action
verb; and is clearly
written (4-7.5 pts.)
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies)
of meeting this
student goal and
objective is
identified, presenting
a realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (4-7.5 pts.)
Personal Student
Learning Goal and
Objective (15 pts.)
a. Student
goal and/or objective
includes all
of SMART criteria
relevant, and/or timelimited) using
Bloom’s Taxonomy
higher level action
verb; and is clearly
written (4-7.5 pts.)
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies)
of meeting this
student goal and
objective is
identified, presenting
a realistic plan how
Updated 7-30-21
relevant, time-limited)
and/or does not use
Bloom’s higher level
action verb; and
vaguely written (2-3
applied. Not clearly
written (0-1 pts.)
b. No projected
means of meeting
the student
goal/objectives is
identified (0-1 pts.)
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies) o
f meeting this student
goal is identified, but
is not presenting a
realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (2-3 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or
objective minimally
includes SMART
criteria (specific,
relevant, timelimited), and/or does
not use Bloom’s
higher level action
verb and vaguely
written (2-3 pts.)
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies) o
f meeting this student
goal is identified, but
is not presenting a
realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (2-3 pts.)
a. No student goal
is identified, or
SMART criteria
applied. Not clearly
written (0-1 pts.)
b. No projected
means of meeting
the student
goal/objectives is
identified (0-1 pts.)
goal(s) will be
achieved (4-7.5 pts.)
Submits assignment on
the proper Student
Learning Goals and
Objectives template
(form provided in the
NURS 410 content
area). Student must
use required
template to receive
points. Students must
type their goals
versus handwriting
them on the
template. Writing
(25 pts.)
Student Learning
Goals and Objectives
template used.
Writing is clear and
focused and contains
regular punctuation,
spelling, and/or no
capitalization errors.
(25 pts.)
Partial Student
Learning Goals and
Objectives template
used for assignment.
Writing is
unorganized. Reader
cannot easily
understand the main
ides. The main idea is
not incorporated into
the text in a manner
appropriate for the
practice of nursing.
Contains multiple
punctuation, spelling,
and/or capitalization
(15-24 pts.)
Total Points
Updated 7-30-21
Paper not submitted
on the Student
Learning Goals and
template. Writing is
unorganized an
Contains multiple
spelling, and/or
(0-5 pts.)
SMSU Department of Nursing
NURS 410
Fall 2021
Student Learning Goals and Objectives Module
Module Objective: The student is able to prepare for the upcoming NURS 450
Public/Community Health Clinical Experience by creating clear goals and objectives.
It is very exciting time for you to arrange your community/public health clinical site and start
planning your time with your preceptor in NURS 450, when you will spend 75 hours with your
BSN prepared nurse preceptor. After you get to know more about the community/population that
you will serve while spending time with your preceptor, you will be able to write projected goals
and objectives for your time spent with your preceptor at your clinical sites. Following
successful completion of this module, you will be ready to write your goals and objectives for
your NURS 450 course experience.
Throughout your time as a nursing student, and while practicing nursing, you have written
SMART goals and objectives for various situations, including patient care. Most recently, you
have written goals and objectives as part of your NURS 400 course. Writing goals and objectives
for your experience in the NURS 450 course is very similar. To assist you, I have compiled a
brief review of writing goals and objectives to prepare you to write your goals and objectives for
your NURS 450 course.
To review, what are goals and objectives? What is the difference between SMART goals and
First, what is the SMART criteria?
What will be accomplished? What
actions will you take?
What data will measure the goal? How
much? How well?
Is the goal doable? Do you have the
necessary skills and resources?
How does the goal align with broader
goals? Why is the result important?
What is the timeframe for
accomplishing the goal?
What are SMART goals?
• A goal is an overarching statement that guides decision making. Goals should be high
level enough to encompass the core outcomes for which you are responsible, but specific
and clear enough so you will be able to measure success.
Updated 7-30-21
Statement of important results and designed in a way to foster clear and mutual
understanding of expected levels of performance.
A goal I have for the NURS 450 course, as an instructor, is for students to develop an increased
understanding of community/public health nursing by spending 75 hours with a BSN prepared
nurse by the end of the NURS 450 course.
What are SMART objectives? Objectives are specific, measurable steps that can be taken to
meet the goal. Objectives can be written in a manner that implicitly or explicitly outlines
important conditions/criterion. Measurable objectives are specific statements expressing the
desired qualities of key services; and the expected results of the services/experience. Objectives
should state:
•Who is involved: You as the student or the people/patient/client whose behaviors, knowledge
and/or skills are to be changed as a result of the program.
•What are the desired outcomes: The intended behavior, knowledge and/or skill changes that
should result from the program or activities.
•How progress is measured: What tool or device (surveys, tests, data from other sources) will be
used to measure the expected changes.
•When will the outcome occur: Identify the timeframe for success. (speaks to timeline per
SMART criteria)
An objective I have is to formulate one contract for all NURS 450 clinical sites before the
beginning of NURS 450.
Preparation: Please use the following resources to prepare for writing your goals and objectives
for your NURS 450 course.
1) Discover how to develop SMART learning goals. Using SMART goals and objectives helps
to create clarity in goals and objectives and provide a clear idea of what you want to learn. Here
is a valuable resource for you as you write your goals for your upcoming NURS 450 course
2) Reinforce your learning about SMART learning goals with this video:
Updated 7-30-21
3) You are doing great! Now that you have discovered more about SMART goals, you are
probably starting to think about goals and objectives for your upcoming NURS 450 course
experience. Many students have reported that writing goals and objectives surrounding
community /public health nursing is very different for them, in comparison to writing goals and
objectives for their individual patients. Here is an additional resource available for you to think
more specifically about writing objectives in the community/public health arena:
4) You are one step closer to writing your SMART goals and objectives. Lastly, as you think
about writing goals, you need to consider how to write your goals to describe your level of
expertise in the subject matter. For example, as you write your goals for your NURS 450 course,
your level of expertise is much higher than a student just entering their first nursing
course/program. I have provided a link to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Action Verbs within this
module. You will find this resource in the Student Learning Goals and Objectives Module in the
NURS 410/Materials/Content/Student Learning Goals and Objectives Module. This resource
should be used to guide your goals. Remember that the action verbs can help you describe your
level of expertise. Students in this course should use higher order verbs, as this is a senior
level nursing course. Looking at Bloom’s taxonomy, Level 1 Action Verbs are about
Remembering, and Level 2 Action Verbs are about Understanding. These are lower order verbs
that students new to nursing programs would utilize. Since students in this course are already
nurses, higher order verbs should be utilized for goals and objectives. Level 3 Applying and
Level 4 Analyzing Action Verbs may be used, however Level 5 Evaluating and Level 6
Creating Action Verbs are encouraged to be used.
To summarize:
• A SMART goal is an overarching statement that guides decision making and the
intention of the student.
A SMART objective has specific, measurable steps that can be taken to meet the goal.
A SMART goal/objective is:
Bloom’s Taxonomy Higher level action verbs are most appropriate to use for your goals
for this assignment.
Great job! Now that you have prepared to create goals and objectives for your upcoming NURS
450 course you may take the Student Goals and Objectives Quiz. You will find this quiz in the
Student Learning Goals and Objectives Module in the NURS 410/Materials/Content/Student
Learning Goals and Objectives Module.
Once you have completed your practicum proposal and the quiz, you are ready to start creating
your goals and objectives for your NURS 450 course!
Updated 7-30-21
Writing your NURS 450 Student Learning Goals and Objectives
The grading rubric for the NURS 450 Student Learning Goals and Objectives is available in the
NURS 410 syllabus, as well as at the end of this document. A template has been provided for
you to use as you write your NURS 450 Student Learning Goals and Objectives. You must use
the specific template provided – as the final product of your Student Learning Goals and
Objectives will be taken with you to your preceptor site in your NURS 450 course.
You will note the template has four Student Learning Objectives already listed for you. You
must use this template for the assignment requirements. These are the objectives from the
NURS 450 Syllabus. Your task, for each of these Student Learning Objectives, is to create a
goal, an objective, and describe how you plan to meet this goal. Lastly, you will see an area
available for you to add one more goal and objective of your personal choice. You need to add
one personal goal, which will really help your preceptor learn about what you want to get out of
this experience.
Sometimes students have struggled with including a Projected Means of Meeting Student
Goals/Objectives. Your projected means of meeting student goals/objectives is basically what
you think you will be able to do to meet your goal and objective. Let me give you an example
outside of the clinical context that may help. As noted above, I wrote a goal and objective for
A Goal I have for the NURS 450 course, as an instructor, is for students to develop an increased
understanding of community/public health nursing by spending 75 hours with a BSN prepared
nurse by the end of the NURS 450 course.
An Objective I have is to formulate one contract for all NURS 450 clinical sites before the
beginning of NURS 450.
My Projected Means of Meeting Student Goals/Objectives is that I will contact each clinical
site as soon as I receive the contact information for the site so I can start arranging a contract
with them. This will lead to a clinical experience for the student - which will help me meet my
Other outcome examples include:
What is the outcome?
•Change in achievement
•Change in behavior
•Change in attitude
How is it measured?
•Incidence of behavior
•Student log
Updated 7-30-21
What is the outcome?
How is it measured?
I hope you can see how the goal, objective, and projected means of meeting student goals and
objective all flow together.
I am sure you realize that you will learn much more about your upcoming clinical site once you
begin to spend time with your preceptor. At this point in time, use the knowledge you have
about the clinical site, and the role of your preceptor, to complete this assignment. You will take
this document with you when you first meet with your preceptor in your NURS 450 course. At
that time, your preceptor will review your goals and objectives with you – and suggest necessary
changes if the goals and objectives you have written are not feasible in that clinical setting.
Preceptors really appreciate the thought and effort you have put into these goals so they can
initially get to know you through your goals and objectives and get an idea about what you
would like to get out to the NURS 450 clinical experience.
Please note that a draft review option for your Student Learning Goals and Objectives is
available to you. I would encourage everyone to use this resource. This draft review is not a
requirement however, students who have used this resource in the past seem to be more satisfied
with the end result of this assignment. To submit a draft review of your Student Learning Goals
and Objectives, please submit your draft copy in the NURS 410 Student Learning Goals and
Objectives Draft Review Assignment Dropbox by the due date, 11-14-21 at 11:59pm.
Once your Student Learning Goals and Objectives are completed, you will place the final
assignment in the NURS 410 Student Learning Goals and Objectives assignment drop box,
which is due, 11-21-21 at 11:59 pm.
Updated 7-30-21
Appendix B
Student Learning Goals and Objectives Rubric: 100 points
Name: __________________________________ Date: ___________
NURS 450
Health Clinical
Experience objective
to demonstrate caring
behaviors with a focus
on the value of
autonomy by
respecting the patient’s
right to selfdetermination.
a. Student goal
and/or objective
includes all
components of
SMART criteria
relevant, and/or timelimited) using
Bloom's Taxonomy
higher level action
verb; and is clearly
written (4-7.5 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or
objective minimally
includes SMART
criteria (specific,
relevant, time-limited)
and/or does not use
Bloom’s higher level
action verb; and is
vaguely written (2-3
a. No student goal
and/or objective
is identified, or
SMART criteria
applied. Not clearly
written (0-1 pts.)
(15 pts.)
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies)
of meeting this
student goal and
objective is
identified, presenting
a realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (4-7.5 pts.)
NURS 450
Health Clinical
Experience objective
to demonstrate
competence in critical
assessment and
technical skills with
population- based
Updated 7-30-21
a. Student
goal and/or objective
includes all
of SMART criteria
relevant, and/or timelimited) using
Bloom’s higher level
b. No projected
means of meeting
the student
goal/objectives is
identified (0-1 pts.)
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies) o
f meeting this student
goal is identified, but
is not presenting a
realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (2-3 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or
objective minimally
includes SMART
criteria (specific,
relevant, time-limited,
and/or does not use
Bloom’s higher level
action verb and
a. No student goal
and/or objective
is identified, or
SMART criteria
applied. Not clearly
written (0-1 pts.)
b. No projected
means of meeting
the student
clients and in nursing
leadership roles. (15
action verb; and is
clearly written (4-7.5
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies)
of meeting this
student goal and
objective is
identified, presenting
a realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (4-7.5 pts.)
NURS 450
Health Clinical
Experience objective
perform developmenta
lly appropriate public
health interventions
including health
teaching, screening,
referral, and followup. (15 pts.)
a. Student
goal and/or objective
includes all
of SMART criteria
relevant, and/or timelimited) using
Bloom’s higher level
action verb; and is
clearly written (4-7.5
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies)
of meeting this
Student goal and
objective is
identified, presenting
a realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (4-5 pts.)
NURS 450
Health Clinical
Experience objective
to adapt management/
Updated 7-30-21
a. Student
goal and/or objective
includes all
of SMART criteria
vaguely written (2-3
goal/objectives is
identified (0-1 pts.)
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies) o
f meeting this student
goal is identified, but
is not presenting a
realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (2-3 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or
objective minimally
includes SMART
criteria: specific,
relevant, time-limited,
and/or does not use
Bloom’s higher level
action verb and
vaguely written (2-3
a. No student goal
and/or objective
is identified, or
SMART criteria
applied. Not clearly
written (0-1 pts.)
b. No projected
means of meeting
the student
goal/objectives is
identified (0-1 pts.)
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies) o
f meeting this student
goal is identified, but
is not presenting a
realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (2-3 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or
objective minimally
includes SMART
criteria (specific,
a. No student goal
and/or objective
is identified, or
SMART criteria
leadership skills to
meet the needs of the
population served in
the preceptorship
experience. (15 pts.)
relevant, and/or timelimited) using
Bloom’s Taxonomy
higher level action
verb; and is clearly
written (4-7.5 pts.)
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies)
of meeting this
student goal and
objective is
identified, presenting
a realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (4-7.5 pts.)
Personal Student
Learning Goal and
Objective (15 pts.)
a. Student
goal and/or objective
includes all
of SMART criteria
relevant, and/or timelimited) using
Bloom’s Taxonomy
higher level action
verb; and is clearly
written (4-7.5 pts.)
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies)
of meeting this
student goal and
objective is
identified, presenting
a realistic plan how
Updated 7-30-21
relevant, time-limited)
and/or does not use
Bloom’s higher level
action verb; and
vaguely written (2-3
applied. Not clearly
written (0-1 pts.)
b. No projected
means of meeting
the student
goal/objectives is
identified (0-1 pts.)
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies) o
f meeting this student
goal is identified, but
is not presenting a
realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (2-3 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or
objective minimally
includes SMART
criteria (specific,
relevant, timelimited), and/or does
not use Bloom’s
higher level action
verb and vaguely
written (2-3 pts.)
b. Projected
means (strategy/ies) o
f meeting this student
goal is identified, but
is not presenting a
realistic plan how
goal(s) will be
achieved (2-3 pts.)
a. No student goal
is identified, or
SMART criteria
applied. Not clearly
written (0-1 pts.)
b. No projected
means of meeting
the student
goal/objectives is
identified (0-1 pts.)
goal(s) will be
achieved (4-7.5 pts.)
Submits assignment on
the proper Student
Learning Goals and
Objectives template
(form provided in the
NURS 410 content
area). Student must
use required
template to receive
points. Students must
type their goals
versus handwriting
them on the
template. Writing
(25 pts.)
Student Learning
Goals and Objectives
template used.
Writing is clear and
focused and contains
regular punctuation,
spelling, and/or no
capitalization errors.
(25 pts.)
Partial Student
Learning Goals and
Objectives template
used for assignment.
Writing is
unorganized. Reader
cannot easily
understand the main
ides. The main idea is
not incorporated into
the text in a manner
appropriate for the
practice of nursing.
Contains multiple
punctuation, spelling,
and/or capitalization
(15-24 pts.)
Total Points
Updated 7-30-21
Paper not submitted
on the Student
Learning Goals and
template. Writing is
unorganized an
Contains multiple
spelling, and/or
(0-5 pts.)
Southwest Minnesota State University
Department of Nursing
NURS 450 Public/Community Health Clinical Experience (created during NURS 410 course)
Student Learning Goals and Objectives
In preparation for the NURS 450 Public/Community Health Clinical Experience, the student will reflect on the personal objectives that they wish
to accomplish during the precepted experience. Below are the NURS 450 Student Learning Objectives that the student will focus on during the
clinical practicum. Students will complete the “Student Goals,” “Student Objectives,” and “Projected Means of Meeting Student Goals” for each
“NURS 450 Student Learning Objective.” The student will also add one additional personal goal and objectives, not specific to a NURS 450
Student Learning Objectives, reflecting on what they would like to learn and experience during the precepted experience.
During the first student visit with the clinical preceptor during the NURS 450 course, the student will be discussing their Student Learning Goals
and Objectives as well as the Projected Means of Meeting the Student Goals with their clinical preceptor, prior to the initiation of their practicum
Student Name: ____________________________________________________
Clinical Agency: _______________________________________
Clinical Preceptor: ____________________________________________
NURS 450 Student Learning
NURS 450 Clinical Practicum
objective to demonstrate caring
behaviors with a focus on the value
of autonomy by respecting the
patient’s right to self-determination.
NURS 450 Clinical Practicum
objective to demonstrate
competence in critical thinking,
communication, assessment and
technical skills with population
based clients and in nursing
Student Goals
Student Objectives
Projected Means of
Meeting Student
leadership roles.
NURS 450 Clinical Practicum
objective to perform
developmentally appropriate public
health interventions including health
teaching, screening, referral, and
NURS 450 Clinical Practicum
objective to adapt
management/leadership skills to
meet the needs of the population
served in the preceptorship
Student’s Personal Goal and
During the first student visit with the clinical preceptor in the NURS 450 course, the student will discuss their Student Learning Goals, Objectives,
and Projected Means of Meeting the Student Goals with their clinical preceptor. The preceptor may guide the student towards appropriate
revisions of the goals/objectives to correlate the student’s goals/objectives with realistic goals/objectives that can be met at the clinical agency.
Preceptor/student suggestions for adaptations:
Preceptor Signature: ________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
At the completion of the clinical experience, the clinical preceptor and student will review the Student Learning Goals and Objectives of NURS
450 clinical experience and discuss the outcomes of the student goals.
Preceptor/student discussion of student outcomes of goals:
Preceptor Signature: ________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
Southwest Minnesota State University
Department of Nursing
NURS 450 Public/Community Health Clinical Experience (created during NURS 410 course)
Student Learning Goals and Objectives
In preparation for the NURS 450 Public/Community Health Clinical Experience, the student will reflect on the personal objectives that they wish
to accomplish during the precepted experience. Below are the NURS 450 Student Learning Objectives that the student will focus on during the
clinical practicum. Students will complete the “Student Goals,” “Student Objectives,” and “Projected Means of Meeting Student Goals” for each
“NURS 450 Student Learning Objective.” The student will also add one additional personal goal and objectives, not specific to a NURS 450
Student Learning Objectives, reflecting on what they would like to learn and experience during the precepted experience.
During the first student visit with the clinical preceptor during the NURS 450 course, the student will be discussing their Student Learning Goals
and Objectives as well as the Projected Means of Meeting the Student Goals with their clinical preceptor, prior to the initiation of their practicum
Student Name: __Ayalew Falasa
Clinical Agency: _Provident Home Health Care
Clinical Preceptor: __Makayla MBrummer
NURS 450 Student Learning
NURS 450 Clinical Practicum
objective to demonstrate caring
behaviors with a focus on the value
of autonomy by respecting the
patient’s right to self-determination.
NURS 450 Clinical Practicum
objective to demonstrate
Student Goals
Student Objectives
Projected Means of
Meeting Student
During my 75-hours of service, I will
develop my own patient's selfdetermination by empowering them
to pursue it where possible.
Throughout the 75-hour clinical
experience, I will re-evaluate
patients who have had selfdetermination before and how it
affects autonomy.
Interact with patients at a
hospital, engage them in a related
conversation and try to
understand how they perceive
self-determination and the
positive outcomes in regards to
It will require that I follow up on
the medical records of my
patients before and after.
Throughout the 75-hour clinical
experience, I will interact and ask
Visit patients in the hospital and
try to interview some patients on
After completion of the 75
competence in critical thinking,
communication, assessment and
technical skills with population
based clients and in nursing
leadership roles.
NURS 450 Clinical Practicum
objective to perform
developmentally appropriate public
health interventions including health
teaching, screening, referral, and
NURS 450 Clinical Practicum
objective to adapt
management/leadership skills to
meet the needs of the population
served in the preceptorship
clinical hours, I will analyses
and exercise my duty in
evaluating some patients to
know their stand on the way
they feel they are handled.
Upon completing my 75-hours duty,
I will create an awareness to the
patients to know the cause of such
diseases they are suffering from and
give them some tips on how to
prevent them in the future. Provided
accessible media and readable
material that provide health
I will develop some of my contacts
information’s with the patients to
follow up on their whereabouts even
after discharge.
During my 75-hours of service, I
will analyses with many patients as
possible. I will examine some of
them and get to know the way they
like to be handled. I will try to
monitor some of the common
behaviors possessed by the majority
some patients question on how
they are handled. I will focus to
know whether most of the
handling they receive is what they
feel should be done.
Throughout completing my 75hours interaction, I will re-assess
to know whether the Health Care
Providers provide a friendly
environment with the patient to the
desired point.
I will analyses how the health care
providers communicate with the
patients. I will develop plan to
know some of the medical words
that the health care providers use
to continue or to stop care for the
their health issues, diagnose them
and figure out whether the exact
disease matches my thoughts.
Interview some patients upon
completion of my treatment and
fill on some questionnaires on
how my interaction with them
Use my colleagues in
interviewing the patients I
interacted with them during my
service period.
Use last three hours in teaching the
patients in the hospital some health
practices that will help them
prevent such diseases.
Use nearby or remote resources
such as TV, video, radio, and
group activities that shall empower
them for the success of health and
for the teaching next generation
health screening or basic
information for successful life
Give some free guidance to any
patient I treat. Provide the
patients with some booklets
entailing health precautions. Save
some of their contacts for later
Satisfy them by answering their
question through managing their
health thought and reducing their
health issue burden through
providing factual and relevant
basic information that they can
assess in their real life.
Analyses with both health workers
and the patients. Examine some of
their behaviors and characters.
Observe carefully some of the
characters portrayed by health
Note the common behaviors well.
of health providers.
Student’s Personal Goal and
During the 75-hour clinical I will
analyze and evaluate the role of the
preceptors as well as assess role of
the Provident Home Health Care in
the community.
Upon on 75 hours of clinical work
with the guidance of a BSN
preceptor with the PHHC, I will
develop patient care for the best
care of client goal.
During my 75 hours clinical I
will focus on my clinical work
with my preceptor to experience
variety in the community as well
as in the PHHC that will satisfy
both patient and health care
During the first student visit with the clinical preceptor in the NURS 450 course, the student will discuss their Student Learning Goals, Objectives,
and Projected Means of Meeting the Student Goals with their clinical preceptor. The preceptor may guide the student towards appropriate
revisions of the goals/objectives to correlate the student’s goals/objectives with realistic goals/objectives that can be met at the clinical agency.
Preceptor/student suggestions for adaptations:
Preceptor Signature: ________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
At the completion of the clinical experience, the clinical preceptor and student will review the Student Learning Goals and Objectives of NURS
450 clinical experience and discuss the outcomes of the student goals.
Preceptor/student discussion of student outcomes of goals:
Preceptor Signature: ________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
Southwest Minnesota State University
Department of Nursing
NURS 450 Public/Community Health Clinical Experience (created during NURS 410 course)
Student Learning Goals and Objectives
In preparation for the NURS 450 Public/Community Health Clinical Experience, the student will reflect on the personal objectives that they wish
to accomplish during the precepted experience. Below are the NURS 450 Student Learning Objectives that the student will focus on during the
clinical practicum. Students will complete the “Student Goals,” “Student Objectives,” and “Projected Means of Meeting Student Goals” for each
“NURS 450 Student Learning Objective.” The student will also add one additional personal goal and objectives, not specific to a NURS 450
Student Learning Objectives, reflecting on what they would like to learn and experience during the precepted experience.
During the first student visit with the clinical preceptor during the NURS 450 course, the student will be discussing their Student Learning Goals
and Objectives as well as the Projected Means of Meeting the Student Goals with their clinical preceptor, prior to the initiation of their practicum
Student Name: __Ayalew Falasa
Clinical Agency: _Provident Home Health Care
Clinical Preceptor: __Makayla MBrummer
NURS 450 Student Learning
NURS 450 Clinical Practicum
objective to demonstrate caring
behaviors with a focus on the value
of autonomy by respecting the
patient’s right to self-determination.
NURS 450 Clinical Practicum
objective to demonstrate
Student Goals
Student Objectives
Projected Means of
Meeting Student
During my 75-hours of service, I will
develop my own patient's selfdetermination by empowering them
to pursue it where possible.
Throughout the 75-hour clinical
experience, I will re-evaluate
patients who have had selfdetermination before and how it
affects autonomy.
Interact with patients at a
hospital, engage them in a related
conversation and try to
understand how they perceive
self-determination and the
positive outcomes in regards to
It will require that I follow up on
the medical records of my
patients before and after.
Throughout the 75-hour clinical
experience, I will interact and ask
Visit patients in the hospital and
try to interview some patients on
After completion of the 75
competence in critical thinking,
communication, assessment and
technical skills with population
based clients and in nursing
leadership roles.
NURS 450 Clinical Practicum
objective to perform
developmentally appropriate public
health interventions including health
teaching, screening, referral, and
NURS 450 Clinical Practicum
objective to adapt
management/leadership skills to
meet the needs of the population
served in the preceptorship
clinical hours, I will analyses
and exercise my duty in
evaluating some patients to
know their stand on the way
they feel they are handled.
clinical hours
Upon completing my 75-hours duty,
I will create an awareness to the
patients to know the cause of such
diseases they are suffering from and
give them some tips on how to
prevent them in the future. Provided
accessible media and readable
material that provide health
I will develop some of my contacts
information’s with the patients to
follow up on their whereabouts even
after discharge.
clinical hours
During my 75-hours of service, I
will analyses
with many patients as
possible. I will examine some of
them and get to know the way they
like to be handled. I will try to
monitor some of the common
behaviors possessed by the majority
some patients question on how
they are handled. I will focus on
know whether most of the
handling they receive is what they
feel should be done.
Throughout completing my 75hours interaction, I will re-assess
to know whether the Health Care
Providers provide a friendly
environment with the patient to the
desired point.
I will analyses how the health care
providers communicate with the
patients. I will develop aplan to
know some of the medical words
that the health care providers use
to continue or to stop care for the
their health issues, diagnose them
and figure out whether the exact
disease matches my thoughts.
Interview some patients upon
completion of my treatment and
fill on some questionnaires on
how my interaction with them
Use my colleagues in
interviewing the patients I
interacted with them during my
service period.
Use last three hours in teaching the
patients in the hospital some health
practices that will help them
prevent such diseases.
Use nearby or remote resources
such as TV, video, radio, and
group activities that shall empower
them for the success of health and
for the teaching next generation
health screening or basic
information for successful life
Give some free guidance to any
patient I treat. Provide the
patients with some booklets
entailing health precautions. Save
some of their contacts for later
Satisfy them by answering their
question through managing their
health thought and reducing their
health issue burden through
providing factual and relevant
basic information that they can
assess in their real life.
Analyses with both health workers
and the patients. Examine some of
their behaviors and characters.
Observe carefully some of the
characters portrayed by health
Note the common behaviors well.
of health providers.
completion of
Student’s Personal Goal and
During the 75-hour clinical I will
analyze and evaluate the role of the
preceptors as well as assess role of
the Provident Home Health Care in
the community.
Upon on 75 hours of clinical work
with the guidance of a BSN
preceptor with the PHHC, I will
develop patient care for the best
care of client goal.
During my 75 hours clinical I
will focus on my clinical work
with my preceptor to experience
variety in the community as well
as in the PHHC that will satisfy
both patient and health care
During the first student visit with the clinical preceptor in the NURS 450 course, the student will discuss their Student Learning Goals, Objectives,
and Projected Means of Meeting the Student Goals with their clinical preceptor. The preceptor may guide the student towards appropriate
revisions of the goals/objectives to correlate the student’s goals/objectives with realistic goals/objectives that can be met at the clinical agency.
Preceptor/student suggestions for adaptations:
Preceptor Signature: ________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
At the completion of the clinical experience, the clinical preceptor and student will review the Student Learning Goals and Objectives of NURS
450 clinical experience and discuss the outcomes of the student goals.
Preceptor/student discussion of student outcomes of goals:
Preceptor Signature: ________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
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Fa21 NURS 410 : Public/Community Health Clinical Experience Seminar 01, 02
Rubric Name: Student Learning Goals and
Objectives Assignment Rubric
Print Rubric
This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first
column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the
rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on
each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the
table (15) Criteria
Excellent-15 points
Satisfactory-6 points
Unsatisfactory-2 points
Criterion Score
NURS 450 Public/Community Health Clinical Experience
objective to demonstrate caring behaviors with a focus on the
value of autonomy by respecting the patient’s right to selfdetermination. (15 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or objective includes all components of
SMART criteria (specific, measurable, attainable/achievable,
relevant, and/or time-limited) using Bloom's Taxonomy higher
level action verb, and is clearly written (4-7.5 pts.)
b. Projected means (strategy/ies) of meeting this student
goal and objective is identified, presenting a realistic plan how
goal(s) will be achieved (4-7.5 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or objective minimally includes SMART
criteria (specific, measurable, attainable/achievable, relevant,
time-limited) and/or does not use Bloom's higher level action
verb; and is vaguely written (2-3 pts.)
b. Projected means (strategy/ies) of meeting this student goal is
identified, but is not presenting a realistic plan how goal(s) will
be achieved (2-3 pts.)
a. No student goal and/or objective is identified, or SMART
criteria applied. Not clearly written (0-1 pts.)
b. No projected means of meeting the student goal/objectives is
identified (0-1 pts.)
Score of NURS 450 Public/Community Health Clinical Experience
objective to demonstrate caring behaviors with a focus on the
value of autonomy by respecting the patient’s right to selfdetermination. (15 pts.),/ 15
NURS 450 Public/Community Health Clinical Experience
objective to demonstrate competence in critical thinking,
communication, assessment and technical skills with
population- based clients and in nursing leadership roles. (15
a. Student goal and/or objective includes all components
of SMART criteria (specific, measurable, attainable/achievable,
relevant, and/or time-limited) using Bloom’s higher level action
verb; and is clearly written (4-7.5 pts.)
b. Projected means (strategy/ies) of meeting this student
goal and objective is identified, presenting a realistic plan how
goal(s) will be achieved (4-7.5 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or objective minimally includes SMART
criteria (specific, measurable, attainable/achievable, relevant,
time-limited, and/or does not use Bloom’s higher level action
verb and vaguely written (2-3 pts.)
b. Projected means (strategy/ies) of meeting this student goal is
identified, but is not presenting a realistic plan how goal(s) will
be achieved (2-3 pts.)
a. No student goal and/or objective is identified, or SMART
criteria applied. Not clearly written (0-1 pts.)
b. No projected means of meeting the student goal/objectives is
identified (0-1 pts.)
Score of NURS 450 Public/Community Health Clinical Experience
objective to demonstrate competence in critical thinking,
communication, assessment and technical skills with
population-based clients and in nursing leadership roles. (15
pts.),/ 15
NURS 450 Public/Community Health Clinical Experience
objective to perform developmentally appropriate public health
interventions including health teaching, screening, referral, and
follow-up. (15 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or objective includes all components
of SMART criteria (specific, measurable, attainable/achievable,
relevant, and/or time-limited) using Bloom’s higher level action
verb; and is clearly written (4-7.5 pts.)
projected means (strategy/ies) of meeting this Student goal and
objective is identified, presenting a realistic plan how goal(s) will
be achieved (4-5 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or objective minimally includes SMART
criteria: specific, measurable, attainable/achievable, relevant,
time-limited, and/or does not use Bloom's higher level action
verb and vaguely written (2-3 pts.)
b. Projected means (strategy/ies) of meeting this student goal is
identified, but is not presenting a realistic plan how goal(s) will
be achieved (2-3 pts.)
a. No student goal and/or objective is identified, or SMART
criteria applied. Not clearly written (0-1 pts.)
b. No projected means of meeting the student goal/objectives is
identified (0-1 pts.)
Score of NURS 450 Public/Community Health Clinical Experience
objective to perform developmentally appropriate public health
interventions including health teaching, screening, referral, and
follow-up. (15 pts.),/ 15
NURS 450 Public/Community Health Clinical Experience
objective to adapt management/ leadership skills to meet the
needs of the population served in the preceptorship experience.
(15 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or objective includes all components
of SMART criteria (specific, measurable, attainable/achievable,
relevant, and/or time-limited) using Bloom’s Taxonomy higher
level action verb; and is clearly written (4-7.5 pts.)
b. Projected means (strategy/ies) of meeting this student
goal and objective is identified, presenting a realistic plan how
goal(s) will be achieved (4-7.5 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or objective minimally includes SMART
criteria (specific, measurable, attainable/achievable, relevant,
time-limited) and/or does not use Bloom's higher level action
verb; and vaguely written (2-3 pts.)
b. Projected means (strategy/ies) of meeting this student goal is
identified, but is not presenting a realistic plan how goal(s) will
be achieved (2-3 pts.)
a. No student goal and/or objective is identified, or SMART
criteria applied. Not clearly written (0-1 pts.)
b. No projected means of meeting the student goal/objectives is
identified (0-1 pts.)
Score of NURS 450 Public/Community Health Clinical Experience
objective to adapt management/ leadership skills to meet the
needs of the population served in the preceptorship experience.
(15 pts.),/ 15
Personal Student Learning Goal and Objective (15 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or objective includes all components
of SMART criteria (specific, measurable, attainable/achievable,
relevant, and/or time-limited) using Bloom’s Taxonomy higher
level action verb; and is clearly written (4-7.5 pts.)
b. Projected means (strategy/ies) of meeting this student
goal and objective is identified, presenting a realistic plan how
goal(s) will be achieved (4-7.5 pts.)
a. Student goal and/or objective minimally includes SMART
criteria (specific, measurable, attainable/achievable, relevant,
time-limited), and/or does not use Bloom’s higher level action
verb and vaguely written (2-3 pts.)
b. Projected means (strategy/ies) of meeting this student goal is
identified, but is not presenting a realistic plan how goal(s) will
be achieved (2-3 pts.)
a. No student goal and/objective is identified, or SMART criteria
applied. Not clearly written (0-1 pts.)
b. No projected means of meeting the student goal/objectives is
identified (0-1 pts.)
Score of Personal Student Learning Goal and Objective (15 pts.),/
This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first
column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the
rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on
each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the
table. Writing Mechanics
25 points
Satisfactory-15 points
Unsatisfactory-5 points
Criterion Score
Submits assignment using SLGO template (form in the NURS 410
module). Student must use required template to receive points.
Students must type their goals versus handwriting them on the
template. (25 pts.)
Student Learning Goals and Objectives template used. Writing is
clear and focused and contains regular punctuation, spelling,
and/or no capitalization errors. (25 pts.)
Partial Student Learning Goals and Objectives template used for
assignment. Writing is unorganized. Reader cannot easily
understand the main ides. The main idea is not incorporated
into the text in a manner appropriate for the practice of nursing.
Contains multiple punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization
errors. (15-24 pts.)
Paper not submitted on the Student Learning Goals and
Objectives template. Writing is unorganized an unfocused.
Contains multiple punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization
errors. (0-5 pts.)
Score of Submits assignment using SLGO template (form in the
NURS 410 module). Student must use required template to
receive points. Students must type their goals versus
handwriting them on the template. (25 pts.),/ 25
Rubric Total Score Total
Score of Student Learning Goals and Objectives Assignment
Rubric,/ 100Criterion score has been overridden
Overall Score Leve5 14 points minimum, Level 4 11 points minimum
Level 3
8 points minimum
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