NSG 302 Baccalaureate Professional Growth Worksheet

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NSG 302



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Baccalaureate Professional Growth Worksheet Review the guiding organizations from the Guiding the Future of Nursing activity and reflect on the expectations for a BSN-prepared nurse. Whether you have been in practice for years or are just starting your career as a nurse, learning should never stop. As you remember from the College of Nursing Philosophical Framework, lifetime learning is one of the tenets of becoming a nurse leader. Identify the competencies and essentials you need to develop. Select: • • 2 competencies from Pre-licensure KSAs on the QSEN Competencies page 2 essentials from the AACN The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice Complete the table below by doing the following: 1. In the second column, identify the competency or essential you need to address. 2. In the third column, identify specific knowledge, skills, or attitudes (KSAs) you need to develop, and cite your source. a. QSEN citation hint: Per the QSEN Competencies web page, the competencies were taken from another source, which is cited in footnote 2. The page number in the example below was taken from the primary source. 3. In the fourth column, describe how you will develop yourself and give yourself a timeframe. 4. In the fifth column, explain why this improvement is important to your development as a nurse. Note: An example has been provided for you in the first row. Guiding Entity Competency/Essential Needed KSAs Improvement Plan Importance Example: Example: Example: Example: Example: QSEN Prelicensure KSAs Evidence-based practice Knowledge: “Describe reliable sources for locating I will learn how to evaluate sources using the University In order to base practice decisions in evidence, I Copyright 2021 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Baccalaureate Professional Growth Worksheet NSG/302 v2 Page 2 of 2 Guiding Entity Competency/Essential Needed KSAs Improvement Plan Importance evidence reports and clinical practice guidelines” (Cronenwett et al., 2007, p. 124). Library’s Evaluate Sources tutorial at https://library.phoenix.edu/e valuating_sources/ in 14 days or less. have to first understand how to find good, credible information. QSEN Prelicensure KSAs QSEN Prelicensure KSAs The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education Reference Cronenwett, L., Sherwood, G., Barnsteiner J., Disch, J., Johnson, J., Mitchell, P., … Warren, J. (2007). Quality and safety education for nurses. Nursing Outlook, 55(3)122-131. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2007.02.006
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Baccalaureate Professional Growth Worksheet
Student’s Name

Baccalaureate Professional Growth Worksheet

Guiding Entity


Needed KSAs

Improvement Plan




I will go through all the

Saving essential

licensure KSAs

“identification of relevant

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data in a shared database

quick accessibility.

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Patient-Centered Care

Knowledge: "outline how

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