multi dimensional visualization, computer science homework help

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Computer Science


As you do this assignment, consider the historical data visualization developed by Charles Minard describing Napoleon's army march toward and eventual retreat from Moscow (Found in this week's presentation).

Use your imagination to develop your own data visualization that displays several dimensions with a single plot. (For example, color of data points can be used to categorize one dimension, while the size of the data point can represent a dimension related to magnitude.)

The assignment scoring is based on the originality of the display, the number of dimensions displayed, and readability. The rubric for this assignment can be viewed when clicking on the assignment link.

Examples of this type of multidimensional visualization can be found at


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Explanation & Answer

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Sony Music


Distribution of albums across countries

Geographic map locates the country, so it is used here to highlight the
country and the number of albums released during 2008 to 2014 .
Color indicates the number of albums
Year of release is used as filter.

Pie chart shows proportions of whole,
this chart shows the attractiveness of
the band/singer which ranges from 2
to 10.

The attractiveness of the band/singer
can be viewed across the country.

Country in geographic map is used
as a filter i.e on clicking the country in
the geo map, the attractiveness
report of the band/singer of that
country is visualized.

Color indicates the attractiveness of
the band.

Distribution of Sales & Advertisement amount across countries
• Amount spent on advertisement ,
Amount received on sales across
each country is visualized in this
• Amount received on sales is
calculated by multiplying sales
and price.
• Color indicates the sum of
amount received on sales.
• Size indicates amount spent on
• Year of release is used as filter.

• Amount spent on advertisement ,
Amount received on sales by
each country across years can
be viewed.

Distribution of Sales & Advertisement amount across albums

Amount spent on
advertisement , Amount
received on sales for each
album is visualized in this graph.

Amount received on sales is
calculated by multiplying sales
and price.

Amount spent on
advertisement , Amount
received on sales for each
album across years can also be

Color indicates the sum of
amount received on sales.

Size indicates number of
previous albums.

Year of release is used as filter.

Distribution of Sales & iTunes download across albums
Number of sales and number of iTunes
download for top 30 albums as per the
number of sales is visualized in this graph.
Top20 : Yes or No indicates any tracks of
the album has appeared in the
Billboard's Top20 list, in the first two weeks
after release.
indicates that the album is listed in
indicates that the album is not listed
in Top20
indicates the sales of each album
Parameter is created to display the top
30 albums as per the number of sales. 30
can be replaced with any other number.

Sales and Price Analysis of Albums

This chart shows the number of sales and price of the albums.
In this Dual axis chart,
left hand side y axis represents number of sales which is in barsand right hand side y-axis
represents the price of the album which is in lines.
Because of space constraint, album numbers from1 to 47 data is shown in this slide.

Advertisement and Airplay Analysis of Albums
• Scatter plot shows the analysis on
amount spent on advertisement and
the number of times the album is played
on Fox Radio (the U.S’s biggest national
radio station) during the week prior to
release across albums.
• X-axis indicates the airplay
• Y-axis indicates the amount spent on
• Size of the shape indicates the no. of
previous albums
• Color indicates sum of sales

Piracy Analysis across Price

• This line graph shows the distribution of average piracies across the price of the album
• It is clearly see...

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