NET 365 Lab 3 – EIGRP Lab
Due Sunday, Oct. 24, 2021 by 11:59 pm
50 points
*** Read the General Lab Requirements document before performing the steps
described in this document. There are several requirements mentioned that may
impact your grade if you do not follow them when doing any of the labs. ***
There is a separate Lab 3 Answers document that accompanies this assignment
document. Enter all your answers into the Answers document and submit it on D2L
(WORD or PDF format only!!!).
Use Cisco Packet Tracer (PT) to implement and test the network below. Start by opening
NET365-Lab3.pkt in PT. Use that file to do all your lab work. Once completed, submit it
along with your completed Answers document.
Implement and test the network design by following steps 1-10 of the Network
Implementation and Testing instructions below, answering questions and pasting
screenshots into the Answers Document when directed to do so.
Lab 3 Network Diagram
IP Addressing Requirements
** The value of in any IP address should be replaced by your Student Number
from the table in the Lab General Requirements document. **
Lab 3 Assignment
NET 365 Net Interconnect Tech
Page 1
• Subnet A – 44.44..0/24
The Host #1 IP address is 44.44..
• Subnet B –
The R2 Loopback0 interface IP must be
• Subnet C –
• Subnet D – 55.55..0/24
The Host #2 IP address is 55.55..
• Subnet E –
• Link 1 –
• Link 2 –
Each of the 2 serial link subnets contains two assignable IP addresses. The DCE
interface should always be assigned the higher IP in its subnet. On all routers, the Fa0/0
interface must be assigned the first valid IP in its subnet and the Fa0/1 interface must be
assigned the second valid IP in its subnet.
➔ Fill out Table 1 (Part 1) and Table 2 (Part 2) in your Answers document
before continuing. If you want me to check your Table 1 and Table 2 values
before proceeding, e-mail these 2 tables to me at least 3 days before the due date
and I will respond within 24 hours.
Network Implementation and Testing
1. Implement the network shown in the diagram by:
a. Connect all cables.
b. Set hostname on each router and switch to the device name followed by
your initials (like “R1-drb”).
c. Configure all interface IPs on hosts and routers. Be sure to configure
clock rate on DCE ends. Remember “no shutdown” and default gateways.
d. Execute “show ip int brief” on each router to make sure that all interfaces
have correct IP and mask assigned.
e. Make sure you can successfully ping from each host to its default
f. Make sure you can successfully ping from each router to each of its 1-hop
neighbor routers.
g. Execute a “show ip route” on each router and make sure that each of its
directly connected subnets is shown in the routing table.
2. Start EIGRP with AS number 111 on each of the 4 routers
a. On each router, configure router eigrp 111 and then enough network
statements to advertise all directly-connected subnets, including the
Loopback0 subnet on R2.
b. Within ‘router eigrp’ configuration on each of the 4 routers, execute the
following to enable automatic summarization:
Rtr(config-router)# auto-summary
c. Configure the following interfaces as passive interfaces: Fa0/0 on R1,
Fa0/0 on R3, Loopback0 on R2.
Lab 3 Assignment
NET 365 Net Interconnect Tech
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d. Do a show ip protocol on each router to make sure that EIGRP is active,
and auto-summary is enabled, and the correct IP subnets are included, and
the correct neighbor routers are shown.
e. On R1, execute debug eigrp packets. Watch the EIGRP Hello packets
for a while. Then execute undebug all to turn the debug output off.
f. Do not configure anything else in EIGRP at this time.
3. Now complete Part 3.1 in your Answers.
4. After completing all 3.1 Answers, in router configuration mode on each of the 4
routers, configure the following to disable auto-summary:
Rtr(config-router)# no auto-summary
This will cause EIGRP to establish new adjacencies with each neighbor.
5. Now complete Part 3.2 in your Answers.
6. After completing all Part 3.2 Answers, you will set the Bandwidth values for each
serial interface to match their clock rates, as follows:
a. On router R1, go into interface configuration mode on interface S0/2/0 and
execute bandwidth 1000, which sets the bandwidth to 1000 Kbps (or 1
b. Similarly, on routers R2, R3, and R4, execute bandwidth commands on
the S0/2/0 interfaces to correctly set the bandwidths as shown on the
network diagram. Note that you must configure a bandwidth on all 4
7. On router R1, go into S0/2/0 interface configuration again and execute delay 500,
which sets the Delay value to 5000 microseconds. On router R2, execute the same
command on interface S0/2/0.
8. Execute a show interface S0/2/0 on all 4 routers to make sure that the bandwidth
(BW) and delay (DLY) values are set correctly.
9. Now complete Part 3.3 in your Answers.
10. You will submit 2 documents on D2L:
a. Your completed Answers file, converted to PDF format
b. Your pkt file saved from Packet Tracer.
Lab 3 Assignment
NET 365 Net Interconnect Tech
Page 3
NET 365 Lab 3 – EIGRP Lab
Due Sunday, Oct. 24, 2021 by 11:59 pm
50 points
Your Name:
You should read the Lab #3 Assignment Document before reading this one. You can
type your answers into this document or create a separate one. When complete, save
answers file as PDF and submit for your Lab #3 assignment on D2L.
IP Subnet Design
Enter the Subnet information for all lab subnets into the following table:
Table 1: IP Subnet Design
Subnet ID
(network address
and /n)
= 2[32-n]
First Valid
Host IP
Last Valid
Host IP
Subnet A
Subnet B
Subnet C
Subnet D
Subnet E
Link 1
Link 2
IP Address Plan
Now, based on your IP Subnet Design above and the network diagram, assign a specific
IP address and subnet mask to each interface and enter it into the table below.
Table 2: IP Address Plan
Lab 3 Answers
IP Address
NET 365 Net Interconnect Tech
Page 1
Host #1
Host #2
Lab Implementation
Now, follow directions in the Lab 3 Assignment document to implement the lab network.
Answer questions in each part below only when instructed to do so in the Assignment
Part 3.1 Questions:
1. On Host 1, ping to Host 2. Paste results here.
2. On Host 1, tracert to Host 2. Paste results here.
3. On Router R1, execute show ip eigrp neighbor and paste results here.
4. On Router R1, execute show ip route and paste results here.
a. What do you see in the R1 routing table that indicates that auto-summary is
5. On Router R2, execute show ip route and paste results here.
Part 3.2 Questions:
6. On Router R1, execute show ip route and paste results here.
a. What changes do you see in the R1 routing table compared with your results
in #4 above?
7. On Router R2, execute show ip route and paste results here.
8. On router R1 execute show ip eigrp topology and paste results here.
a. What is the EIGRP cost metric (feasible distance) from R1 to destination
55.55..0/24 for packets going out interface S0/2/0? You should see the
same metric in the R1 routing table.
b. What is the Reported Distance (Advertised Distance) to destination
55.55..0/24 that was received from router R2?
9. On router R1, execute show interface S0/2/0 and paste results here.
a. What is the Bandwidth (BW) value for interface S0/2/0?
b. What is the Delay (DLY) value for interface S0/2/0?
Lab 3 Answers
NET 365 Net Interconnect Tech
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Part 3.3 Questions:
10. On Router R1, execute show ip route and paste results here.
a. What changes do you see in the R1 routing table compared with your results
in #6 above?
11. On router R1, execute show interface S0/2/0 and paste results here.
a. What is the Bandwidth (BW) value for interface S0/2/0?
b. What is the Delay (DLY) value for interface S0/2/0?
12. On Host 1, execute tracert and paste result here. Check these results to
verify that packets are going through R4 and R3 (the longer path). If packets are not
going through R4 and R3 then you will lose 4 points.
a. Why are packets being routed over the longer path?
13. On router R1 execute show ip eigrp topology and paste
a. What is the EIGRP Metric (Feasible Distance) to destination for
packets going out interface Fa0/1?
b. What is the EIGRP Metric (Feasible Distance) to destination for
packets going out interface S0/2/0?
c. What is the Reported Distance to destination that was received
from router R2 on interface S0/2/0?
14. On Router R3, execute show ip route and paste results here.
15. What is the default Bandwidth value and the default Delay value for a Loopback
You should submit 2 documents on D2L:
(a) Your Answers document in WORD (preferred) or PDF format.
(b) Your Packet Tracer .pkt file.
Lab 3 Answers
NET 365 Net Interconnect Tech
Page 3
NET 365 Lab 3 – EIGRP Lab
Due Sunday, Oct. 24, 2021 by 11:59 pm
50 points
*** Read the General Lab Requirements document before performing the steps
described in this document. There are several requirements mentioned that may
impact your grade if you do not follow them when doing any of the labs. ***
There is a separate Lab 3 Answers document that accompanies this assignment
document. Enter all your answers into the Answers document and submit it on D2L
(WORD or PDF format only!!!).
Use Cisco Packet Tracer (PT) to implement and test the network below. Start by opening
NET365-Lab3.pkt in PT. Use that file to do all your lab work. Once completed, submit it
along with your completed Answers document.
Implement and test the network design by following steps 1-10 of the Network
Implementation and Testing instructions below, answering questions and pasting
screenshots into the Answers Document when directed to do so.
Lab 3 Network Diagram
IP Addressing Requirements
** The value of in any IP address should be replaced by your Student Number
from the table in the Lab General Requirements document. **
Lab 3 Assignment
NET 365 Net Interconnect Tech
Page 1
• Subnet A – 44.44..0/24
The Host #1 IP address is 44.44..
• Subnet B –
The R2 Loopback0 interface IP must be
• Subnet C –
• Subnet D – 55.55..0/24
The Host #2 IP address is 55.55..
• Subnet E –
• Link 1 –
• Link 2 –
Each of the 2 serial link subnets contains two assignable IP addresses. The DCE
interface should always be assigned the higher IP in its subnet. On all routers, the Fa0/0
interface must be assigned the first valid IP in its subnet and the Fa0/1 interface must be
assigned the second valid IP in its subnet.
➔ Fill out Table 1 (Part 1) and Table 2 (Part 2) in your Answers document
before continuing. If you want me to check your Table 1 and Table 2 values
before proceeding, e-mail these 2 tables to me at least 3 days before the due date
and I will respond within 24 hours.
Network Implementation and Testing
1. Implement the network shown in the diagram by:
a. Connect all cables.
b. Set hostname on each router and switch to the device name followed by
your initials (like “R1-drb”).
c. Configure all interface IPs on hosts and routers. Be sure to configure
clock rate on DCE ends. Remember “no shutdown” and default gateways.
d. Execute “show ip int brief” on each router to make sure that all interfaces
have correct IP and mask assigned.
e. Make sure you can successfully ping from each host to its default
f. Make sure you can successfully ping from each router to each of its 1-hop
neighbor routers.
g. Execute a “show ip route” on each router and make sure that each of its
directly connected subnets is shown in the routing table.
2. Start EIGRP with AS number 111 on each of the 4 routers
a. On each router, configure router eigrp 111 and then enough network
statements to advertise all directly-connected subnets, including the
Loopback0 subnet on R2.
b. Within ‘router eigrp’ configuration on each of the 4 routers, execute the
following to enable automatic summarization:
Rtr(config-router)# auto-summary
c. Configure the following interfaces as passive interfaces: Fa0/0 on R1,
Fa0/0 on R3, Loopback0 on R2.
Lab 3 Assignment
NET 365 Net Interconnect Tech
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d. Do a show ip protocol on each router to make sure that EIGRP is active,
and auto-summary is enabled, and the correct IP subnets are included, and
the correct neighbor routers are shown.
e. On R1, execute debug eigrp packets. Watch the EIGRP Hello packets
for a while. Then execute undebug all to turn the debug output off.
f. Do not configure anything else in EIGRP at this time.
3. Now complete Part 3.1 in your Answers.
4. After completing all 3.1 Answers, in router configuration mode on each of the 4
routers, configure the following to disable auto-summary:
Rtr(config-router)# no auto-summary
This will cause EIGRP to establish new adjacencies with each neighbor.
5. Now complete Part 3.2 in your Answers.
6. After completing all Part 3.2 Answers, you will set the Bandwidth values for each
serial interface to match their clock rates, as follows:
a. On router R1, go into interface configuration mode on interface S0/2/0 and
execute bandwidth 1000, which sets the bandwidth to 1000 Kbps (or 1
b. Similarly, on routers R2, R3, and R4, execute bandwidth commands on
the S0/2/0 interfaces to correctly set the bandwidths as shown on the
network diagram. Note that you must configure a bandwidth on all 4
7. On router R1, go into S0/2/0 interface configuration again and execute delay 500,
which sets the Delay value to 5000 microseconds. On router R2, execute the same
command on interface S0/2/0.
8. Execute a show interface S0/2/0 on all 4 routers to make sure that the bandwidth
(BW) and delay (DLY) values are set correctly.
9. Now complete Part 3.3 in your Answers.
10. You will submit 2 documents on D2L:
a. Your completed Answers file, converted to PDF format
b. Your pkt file saved from Packet Tracer.
Lab 3 Assignment
NET 365 Net Interconnect Tech
Page 3
NET 365 Lab 3 – EIGRP Lab
Due Sunday, Oct. 24, 2021 by 11:59 pm
50 points
Your Name:
You should read the Lab #3 Assignment Document before reading this one. You can
type your answers into this document or create a separate one. When complete, save
answers file as PDF and submit for your Lab #3 assignment on D2L.
IP Subnet Design
Enter the Subnet information for all lab subnets into the following table:
Table 1: IP Subnet Design
Subnet ID
(network address
and /n)
= 2[32-n]
First Valid
Host IP
Last Valid
Host IP
Subnet A
Subnet B
Subnet C
Subnet D
Subnet E
Link 1
Link 2
IP Address Plan
Now, based on your IP Subnet Design above and the network diagram, assign a specific
IP address and subnet mask to each interface and enter it into the table below.
Table 2: IP Address Plan
Lab 3 Answers
IP Address
NET 365 Net Interconnect Tech
Page 1
Host #1
Host #2
Lab Implementation
Now, follow directions in the Lab 3 Assignment document to implement the lab network.
Answer questions in each part below only when instructed to do so in the Assignment
Part 3.1 Questions:
1. On Host 1, ping to Host 2. Paste results here.
2. On Host 1, tracert to Host 2. Paste results here.
3. On Router R1, execute show ip eigrp neighbor and paste results here.
4. On Router R1, execute show ip route and paste results here.
a. What do you see in the R1 routing table that indicates that auto-summary is
5. On Router R2, execute show ip route and paste results here.
Part 3.2 Questions:
6. On Router R1, execute show ip route and paste results here.
a. What changes do you see in the R1 routing table compared with your results
in #4 above?
7. On Router R2, execute show ip route and paste results here.
8. On router R1 execute show ip eigrp topology and paste results here.
a. What is the EIGRP cost metric (feasible distance) from R1 to destination
55.55..0/24 for packets going out interface S0/2/0? You should see the
same metric in the R1 routing table.
b. What is the Reported Distance (Advertised Distance) to destination
55.55..0/24 that was received from router R2?
9. On router R1, execute show interface S0/2/0 and paste results here.
a. What is the Bandwidth (BW) value for interface S0/2/0?
b. What is the Delay (DLY) value for interface S0/2/0?
Lab 3 Answers
NET 365 Net Interconnect Tech
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Part 3.3 Questions:
10. On Router R1, execute show ip route and paste results here.
a. What changes do you see in the R1 routing table compared with your results
in #6 above?
11. On router R1, execute show interface S0/2/0 and paste results here.
a. What is the Bandwidth (BW) value for interface S0/2/0?
b. What is the Delay (DLY) value for interface S0/2/0?
12. On Host 1, execute tracert and paste result here. Check these results to
verify that packets are going through R4 and R3 (the longer path). If packets are not
going through R4 and R3 then you will lose 4 points.
a. Why are packets being routed over the longer path?
13. On router R1 execute show ip eigrp topology and paste
a. What is the EIGRP Metric (Feasible Distance) to destination for
packets going out interface Fa0/1?
b. What is the EIGRP Metric (Feasible Distance) to destination for
packets going out interface S0/2/0?
c. What is the Reported Distance to destination that was received
from router R2 on interface S0/2/0?
14. On Router R3, execute show ip route and paste results here.
15. What is the default Bandwidth value and the default Delay value for a Loopback
You should submit 2 documents on D2L:
(a) Your Answers document in WORD (preferred) or PDF format.
(b) Your Packet Tracer .pkt file.
Lab 3 Answers
NET 365 Net Interconnect Tech
Page 3
Purchase answer to see full