Software Project Planning, computer science homework help

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Computer Science


Write 400–600 words.

You have just been hired by a new start-up company. One of the information technology objectives is to develop policies and procedures for information technology governance. You have been assigned to the team working on the project. You assignment is to research and describe the following functions that are part of the software project planning process and how they impact the overall project.

The functions are:

  • Risk assessment
  • Work breakdown schedule
  • Human resource plan
  • Project team
  • How to identify the appropriate stakeholder for the project

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Explanation & Answer

Hoping you are doing great...Below is the response: Let me know if you need it edited in any way. Thanks!

Student 1
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Software Project Planning
One of the objectives of software project management is the development of procedures and
policies for information technology and software governance. The role of teamwork towards the
achievement of this goal cannot be underestimated. A clear understanding of the processes
involved in software project planning and the impact they have on the entire project helps in the
implementation and achievement of the objectives (Burke 17). The following is a brief
description of the functions which are part of the softwa...

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