Discuss Coca Cola as a global brand, essay help

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Business Finance


Write a 1000-1200 word essay, APA format, discussing the following:

  • Discuss Coca Cola as a global brand.
  • Discuss your opinion of the overall failure of the UK launch of Dasani.
  • Suggest and describe 2 changes/improvements Coca Cola should make to Dasani itself in order to re-launch the product in the UK, and why?
  • If Coca Cola hired your team, develop and describe a mini promotional plan with three (3) new marketing ideas (1 social media, 1 TV and 1 print). Be as detailed as possible when describing your new ideas. Remember Dasani is new and improved; the primary goal of your plan is to inform the target market about it. Be creative.

Please read the APA format PowerPoint, the sample student paper and sample reference page documents located in the Files section of Ember. Improper APA format will be penalized.

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