New York University Importance of the Emotional Well Being Discussion

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Health Medical

New York University


Review the Case Example available on page 80 of the textbook (and below). Then write a 500-750-word treatment plan for the patient describing three different coping strategies that would be helpful in managing symptoms.

  1. Describe effective coping skills to improve emotional well-being.
  2. Describe holistic approaches (stress relief, self-esteem, relationships, and spirituality, perhaps personal resources).
  3. Identify resources and support systems in the community that promote mental health and wellness, such as school-based programs, churches, and community support groups.
  4. Use a minimum of two scholarly sources to support the effectiveness of selected coping strategies and/or resources.

Case Example

“A 23-year-old woman presents to her PCP with a chief complaint of "racing heart and shortness of breath." She describes increasing difficulty at work because she has sudden onset episodes, lasting a few minutes of overwhelming fear, shortness of breath, nausea, racing heart, and dizziness. She is worried that something is "wrong with her heart." She notices that she does not have these episodes in the evening when she is drinking wine. She has had one ER visit in the past month, where "heart tests" were normal and she was treated with alprazolam with relief of her symptoms. She scored a 12 on the GAD-7, indicating moderate anxiety. The PCP and BHP assessed the patient for safety, and the patient denied any thoughts of hurting herself or others or previous suicidality or self-harm behaviors (e.g., cutting).”

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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.


Taliban Says Failure to Recognize Their Government Could Have Global Effects
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Taliban Says Failure to Recognize Their Government Could Have Global Effects
Subject: Taliban Says Failure to Recognize Their Government Could Have Global Effects
Source: Peshimam, G. (2021). Taliban Says Failure to Recognise Their Government Could Have Global
Effects. Thomson Reuters. Retrieved 31 October 2021, from
Synopsis: Since the Taliban took over the rule of Afghanistan, no country in the international
community has acknowledged their government. Funds held in international countries have been frozen
and the country has become isolated. In light of this, the Taliban have requested the U.S government and
other countries to accept that the Taliban are now in charge. They state that the reason for the first war
was in part due to poor diplomatic relations, the war would have been averted if the two countries had
agreed to sit down and talk. The Taliban, therefore, is asking for recognition and building of diplomatic
ties to prevent any future fights.
Opinion: Since the United States of America decided to pull out of Afghanistan and allow the Taliban to
rule, it is only logical that they accept and recognize the new government. If they did not want the
Taliban to rule, they wouldn't have given up the country. Freezing Afghanistan's funds and assets held in
international countries is wrong as the country is already experiencing economic and humanitarian
crises. The Taliban should be allowed to run their government without the international community
wanting to control them. The Taliban government needs support to begin rebuilding their nation, and the
international community should step up and help them.
Word Count: Synopsis; 106 words Opinion; 105 words

Peshimam, G. (2021). Taliban Says Failure to Recognise Their Government Could Have Global
Effects. Thomson Reuters. Retrieved 31 October 2021, from


Topic: Emotional Well-Being
Format – Essay

Emotional well-being is a significant part of overall health. Emotionally healthy persons
can manage their thoughts, behaviors and feelings. They can also cope with life’s
intricacies, keep problems in perspective and tackle setbacks

Various ways that persons can employ to enhance or maintain good emotional health
suffice. First, persons must be aware of reactions and emotions


Another way that people can use to enhance their emotional well-being is by expressing
their feelings appropriately


When persons keep feelings of sadness or anger within them, they can cause complications
in their dealings or relationships. People must also give themselves time to think and calm
themselves before saying or doing what they might regret later


They must also exercise regularly, eat healthy meals and acquire enough sleep. They must
also evade substance abuse since tampering with physical health can affect tier emotional



In medicine, a holistic approach is a form of therapy that considers the whole person,
including their body, spirit, emotions and mind...

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