Harvard University Praying the Game Event Summary

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Business Finance

Harvard University

Question Description

I'm working on a business question and need support to help me learn.

Hi there,

i have an assignment, which is watch the video HERE

and write two reports

1) summarizing the event (just the facts) and then 2) reflecting substantively on it. The reports will be graded using the following rubrics:

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Excellent: full credit Satisfactory: 1/2 to 3/4 credit Unsatisfactory: no credit Summary of the Account of the facts is event accurate and clear Account of the facts needs development or clarification Account of the facts is inaccurate and unclear Reflection on the event Reflection is substantive Reflection needs and thoughtful development Reflection does not engage substantively with the event
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Hey buddy, done now. I suddenly had technical difficulties today😔 . Everything has been fixed now. 😎 Please review and let me know if all is okay.

Brian Whelan: Praying the Game


Report number 1: Summary of the event: Praying the Game.
The beginning of the event shows Bernad welcoming everyone to the event, people
present in the room as well as those on Zoom were recognized. The theme of the event was,
building up the church. Brian Whelan (a London born, Irish painter) takes the stage and the
following is a summary of his presentation:

Brian is a religious artist and explains that art goes all the way as far back...

ZeCUQ (1988)
Purdue University

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