The Community Action Plan: Written Report and Slide Presentation

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Option #1: The Community Action Plan: Written Report and Slide Presentation

Your Portfolio Project for this class is a Community Action Plan designed to alleviate or correct a public health issue in your community. Your community can be your business, school, neighborhood, town or city of residence or birth, or county.

For Option #1, your Community Action Plan will be a professional portfolio that includes a written report and a slide presentation.

Below are some useful sites where you can find examples of the elements of an action plan.

Preliminary Deliverables: These deliverables must be submitted in the assigned week:

  1. Week 2: Written Response and Project Selection (20 points): Provide a one-paragraph response indicating which assignment option and public health issue you have selected and why. This will help your instructor to be aware of your plans and support you with development of this project. Upload your response as a Word document.
  2. Week 7: Preliminary Written Report and Peer Review Feedback (30 points) Submit a preliminary (rough) draft of the written portion of your portfolio project as well as proof of peer review. Remember to include the following sections: introduction, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, cure and summary. Peer review feedback is also included in this assignment. Create a post that includes your written report as an attachment using the Portfolio Project Milestone discussion forum for peer review feedback. Provide feedback to at least one of your classmates. Choose a classmate with no other feedback first, to ensure that everyone receives some feedback from their peers. In this preliminary draft submission, indicate which project you responded to.

Final Paper Instructions:

  1. The final case study should include four sections (Symptoms, Diagnosis, Cure, and Prevention). Each section should be about 1 page in length. Your entire paper must be 4-5 pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages, which must be included.
  2. You must back up your sections using at least two scholarly articles. You may use readings other than the textbook to meet this requirement. The paper should be based on references to scholarly materials (rather than on introductory textbooks, popular website writings, or musings, for example) and should support your claims with evidence.
  3. Incorporate into this final plan any classmates’ critiques that you found useful as well as your instructor’s feedback.
  4. List the key community members or partners that you plan on contacting, with an explanation why these individuals or organizations make sense as potential partners. This could include your list of potential partners created in Week 4 Critical Thinking Assignment Option #1, or your interview of one key partner completed in Week 4 Critical Thinking Option #2.
  5. Include a special emphasis on either the demographics of the affected population or the economic implications, depending on what Critical Thinking assignment you completed for Week 5.
  6. Include a realistic timeline for your plan. Discuss the time needed for campaigning, education, funding, building, and implementation. Use ideas created during week 6 Critical Thinking Assignments, either the option for annotated bibliography or that for the brainstorming draft feedback.
  7. Refer to the Portfolio Project rubric for grading criteria.

Final Instructions for Slide Presentation:

  1. The slide presentation describes the problem in your community and your action plan.
  2. Your presentation must be 8-10 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides.
  3. Your presentation must be supported by at least two scholarly articles.
  4. You may use a web-based slide presentation software such as Prezi, for example, or you may use PowerPoint. If you use a web-based tool, include the URL to your presentation in a Word document and upload it with your presentation.
  5. The audience for this presentation will be community members or organizations you wish to educate about the public health issue and your proposed plan.
  6. The purpose of this slide presentation is to educate the audience about the issue. Keep in mind that in real life you will have limited time to convince people of the gravity of the situation and to come on board with their support, so you want to be persuasive and get to the key points quickly and effectively.

Note: Be sure to submit both your written report and your slide presentation for this assignment. Both files should be uploaded in a single submission to the assignment submission page.

The paper and preliminary deliverables must be well written and formatted in conformity with the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

Review the Sample PowerPoint Presentation.

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Explanation & Answer


Community Action Plan

The Community Action Plan
Insert name of school
Insert your name
Insert professor name
June 2017

Community Action Plan
 Introduction
 Obesity is a steady medical condition influencing
numerous Americans today. This issue is so intense that it
affects a large number of people in the United States.
 Different measures have been utilized to check into this
issue yet they seem not to yield any results.
 I chose this general medical problem since in Houston,
TX, there is a rising number of obese individuals and the
number of overweight individuals has continued to rise.
 Therefore, Obesity as a subject provides a good
community issue to develop an action plan that would
bring change to the community.

The Action Plan

The intention of my community action plan is to
reduce the increasing rate of obesity disease and
prevent Houston, TX residents from gaining
weight uncontrollably, this will be accomplished
through creating awareness among residents so
that they watch their diet and increase on exercise
programs on a daily basis not only in the urban
regions but also in the upcountry zone.

The Anticipated Change
The action or change expected to take place would
be to spread information through all sources of
communication from social Medias, flyers, radio
and television to ensure masses are well informed
of the dangers of the disease, the campaign would
be intended to stick with the people so that they
understand the significance of dealing with this

Who will execute the plans
A committee composed of different heads in the
local society together with senators and governors
and the general public will all be involved in
disseminating information and promoting the
campaign as far as they can.

Time Frame

By when?
Creating awareness shall run for six consecutive weeks
while contemplating on the next move as from 27th June
2017 onwards.

Resources required
The committee shall approach a number of donors and
volunteer nurses, tutors and other well known
individuals in the society to assist in creating awareness,
giving nutrition advice and providing treatment as and
when needed by the community. Local business and
other foundations maybe brought on board to either
provide some more funding or advised to reduce the
retail of cholesterol foods in stores in order to support
the course.

Communication of the Action Plan
The department of health and human resources should be
provided with sufficient information concerning the plan
prior to taking any more steps to initiate the change.


A lot of measures have been used to control
obesity issue yet they seem not to yield any
fruits. The increasing number of obese
youths and adults has impelled concerned
parties to connect obesity with the high
number of instances of substance misuse
among young people and other adults.

Therefore, a little examinations are
routinely led with an intention of figuring
out the overwhelming obesity cases
surrounding the increasing number of
citizens in Houston, TX and therefore there
is need to extend medication to citizens
through this action plan.


 Barceloux, D. G., & Palmer, R. B. (2013). ...

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