Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania the Present Film Analysis

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Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania


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Instructions: Upload your "Major Assignment: Film Review" essay here as a .doc or .docx file. As with all written assignments, your Film Review must follow MLA formatting and citation guidelines. Review the MLA Guidelines and Resources for instructions and MLA template. See associated Film Review Grading Rubric for grading criteria. Students will receive feedback using the grading rubric and any additional general comments with the assessment in order to improve upon the draft for final submission. Film Review Draft Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts Introduction Well-written introduction that engages the reader and communicates the essential identifying information of the film, such as title, director, casting, release date, filming budget, production studio, etc. 25 pts Full Marks O pts No Marks 25 pts Description Clear and concise summary of the storyline without extraneous details. Provides overview of the main characters, setting, plot progression, scenes, and themes. 25 pts Full Marks O pts No Marks 25 pts Spelling and Grammar Paper meets college-level writing standards. Appropriate tone and word choice for professional, written work. Proper sentence structure, spelling, and grammar. 25 pts Full Marks O pts No Marks 25 pts Originality Paper is written in the student's own words and abides by policies of academic honesty. Cited passages are given appropriate citation and referencing. Reference list included. 25 pts Full Marks O pts No Marks 25 pts The Film Review is worth (15%) of your total grade, and is calculated as follows: • First Draft - 5% • Final Draft - 10% For the FINAL draft, students will write a 1,000- word minimum, critical analysis of a film short. This is a Gordon Rule Paper and must be completed with a passing grade in order to pass this course. You'll write a first draft which will be submitted electronically by the due date specified. You'll receive instructor feedback so that you may revise your draft and submit your final Film Review for final grading. First Draft Instructions: Select a Film Short from the list provided: Film Analysis Part 3 - Select Your Short Film Students MUST select a film from this list. Film Reviews submitted on films other than those on this list will receive a score of a "0." The first draft is worth 5% of your overall course grade. Upload your first draft as a .doc or.docx file to the appropriate First Draft submission folder. As with all written assignments, your Film Review must follow MLA formatting and citation guidelines. Review the MLA Guidelines and Resources for instructions and MLA template. See associated Film Review Grading Rubric for grading criteria. Students will receive feedback using the grading rubric and any additional general comments with the assessment in order to improve upon the draft for final submission. Requirements: Write a first draft of the Film Analysis including the following components. Note, this is not the FULL paper format yet. The first draft requires ONLY the first two sections of the paper. You will receive Introduction - 1 Paragraph The introduction includes all the concrete details. It must define the film title, classification (narrative, documentary, absolute) and film genre, release date, director, and production company. Introductions might also include the date of viewing. Including the specific details about the film may be helpful for readers who are unfamiliar and provides basic contextual information. For example, you might include any awards/accolades given to the film and/or a brief description of the cultural context for the time the film was made. The introduction can include a concise, summary statement (1-2 sentences) of the overall impact and importance of the film within the socio-cultural context. Plot Summary - 1 - 2 Paragraphs The main body of your film review should begin with a clear and concise story summary. What is the story being told? How does the story progress? What characters does the plot follow? Avoid including extraneous plot details or getting deep into the Critical Analysis of film technique here. Focus on summarizing the main events and themes of the storyline. This is a synopsis of the film that should be no more than 2 paragraphs in length. For this stage in your Major Assignment - Film Review, you will officially choose the short film that you wish to analyze for the Film Review Assignment. Instructions: View the short films from the list of (10) approved short films below. You MUST select one of these films for review. Film Reviews written about films other than those listed here will receive an automatic grade of a "0." The short films that have been selected here are all award-winning film shorts and they are available for free using the links provided. They have been carefully selected based on the variety in subject matter and production technique as well as for their diversity in direction and casting. There are brief descriptions offered with each link to guide you in your selection process. It is highly recommended that you watch all of the short films before making your final selection. You will want to choose a short film that you not only connect to but also that you feel you can write competently about. Your analysis will need to include at least three formal elements of film (cinematography (camera use), sound effects, lighting, editing) as well as analysis of the content and message. So, in other words, you'll want to connect with both the storyline AND the filmmaking process. email: if you have any questions or concerns. Choose one from among the following award-winning film shorts: Hair Love, an Oscar®-winning animated short film from Matthew A. Cherry, tells the heartfelt story of an African-American father learning to do his daughter's hair for the first time. (6:47) The Present is an award-winning animated film short based on a comic strip by Fabio Coala about a young man who comes to love an unwanted surprise gift from his mother. (4:18) STIVAL 2014 2014 The Present TOEFICIASN presit ملكة Wild Award CARTOON CLUB SHOR NIWPORT NACH TIM IST OUTSTANDINGAMINEN FILMARING-SHORT FILM 2014 2014 OM Selection ANIMA MUND Aydinge Official Selection ANNECY Bo WEMME 2014 ENFOQUE 2014 2015 2015 Best Anom FUMOUW 2014 Best Animation ENFOQUE Official Selection NASHVILLE VA 2015 2014 Official Selection LA SHORTS 2014 Official Selection SPRING INTERIMUS 2015 Special Jury Award Official Selection Animated Short 2014 2015 A POON MAS 20 2014 the prosent المشاهدة على YouTube
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The Present
“The Present,” a movie written and directed by Jacob Frey along with Fabiola Coala, has
to be one of the most meaningful short films that I have ever watched. This short film is able to...

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