Answer question 10 only

User Generated


Business Finance

Florida International University


This document should be approximately 10 pages in length, double spaced, one-inch margins, excluding charts and exhibits. Please make sure all sources are properly cited using APA style. The document should cover the following legal aspects:

  1. Law Firm number and group members
  2. Capital structure (meaning, who contributes the equity and how much)
  3. Management of the business, decision making, and operation of the business,
  4. Sharing of profits/losses
  5. Liability: What liabilities will the business and the owners have if they get sued? How and where would they defend any legal actions?
  6. Duration
  7. Transferability of interests
  8. Taxation
  9. Assess the level of competition and profit opportunities
  10. Employment issues. Who is going to work the business? Does the business have employees or independent contractors? Is the company obligated to provide benefits? Does the company need an employment manual?
  11. Licensing and regulations: Identify what licensing and regulatory requirements impact your business and how you are addressing them.
  12. Contractual questions to consider:
    1. Dispute resolution
    2. Disclaimers/waivers
    3. Disclosure
    4. Choice of law/forum
    5. Release of liability

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