EMCC FBI Digital Forensics Investigations on Cybercrime Presentation

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Computer Science

estrella mountain community college


You are scheduled to have a job interview with the FBI and you are preparing an intriguing presentation on digital forensics.

Research a recent (within 2 years) cyber crime found on the U.S. Justice Department website, provide a report on how digital forensics were used within the FBI’s investigation, and what could have been improved.

Your report (PowerPoint or another presentation style) should include:

  1. Brief overview of the cyber crime
  2. Methods of digital forensics used for investigation
  3. Your evaluation of the investigation

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Explanation & Answer

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FBI Digital Forensics Investigations on Cybercrime
Student’s Name
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Instructor’s Name
Due Date

FBI Digital Forensics Investigations on

Cybercrime is a criminal offense that involves the use of computers and
computer networks to commit crime.

These acts threaten technology globally.

The resulting impact of the act is costly (Ali & L.2019).

Different mechanisms are applied in cyber crime, and phishing is the most



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