University of Nevada Las Vegas Important Points In The Mask You Live in Film Essay

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Business Finance

University of Nevada Las Vegas


Watch the film The Mask You Live In (Kanopy) 

name 5 key points you felt were compelling from the film - they could be points you agreed or disagreed with.

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Explanation & Answer

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Important points in “The Mask You Live In” film

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Key points in film
Muscularity in terms of physical strength, economic success, and sexual dominance is a
big issue in American culture. Several interviews were conducted in the film and provided views
on how boys should behave. They are not allowed to cry, need to be prosperous and
economically stable in the future, and solve problems through violence. Statistics indicate that
only 30% of hurt boys report the cases to their parents and elders.
Muscularity has shown in alarming statistics, as indicated by the film. Some interviewees
confess of attempted suicide at their young ages due to parents' poor response once they reported
being mistreated by their peers. A large number of boys are also expelled from schools and
diagnosed with mental illnesses due to the issue.
Statistics also indicate the close and overlapping psychological contact between boys and
girls. The differences mainly appear based on how the different genders are taught as they grow
up. Boys are always taught to stay strong while girls grow under great protection from their

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