West Coast University Managerial Epidemiology Discussion

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West Coast University


Since 1990, the U.S. government has published 10-year national objectives for improving the health of Americans. A select group of 26 objectives is monitored periodically and published on the Healthy People website. The most recent science-based goals, Healthy People 2020, were published in 2010 and expanded the goals to four major areas:

  1. General health status
  2. Health-related quality of life and well-being
  3. Determinants of health
  4. Disparities

Visit the following website: https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/leading-health-indicators/Healthy-People-2020-Leading-Health-Indicators%3A-Progress-Update (Links to an external site.). Choose one of the Leading Health Indicator (LHI) topics for which there was little or no detectable change or one that has been getting worse. Summarize the LHI you chose, list and discuss possible data sources for this information, and explain why you think there has been a lack of progress.

Your paper must be formatted in accordance with APA guidelines. It should be 3–4 pages and include support from the required readings and at least one outside source. Use the WCU Library to find scholarly sources that support your paper.

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The book you are going to use is Managerial Epidemiology Cases and Concepts 3rd edition by Steven T. Fleming. You would need to use at least one more sources than this as well.

Please let me know if you have trouble accessing the book. To access the book you are also able to go on bookshelf app. It is the same information I gave you last time.

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Explanation & Answer:
4 pages
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Explanation & Answer

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Managerial Epidemiology

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The burden of mental health has escalated over the years. The recent pandemic caused
unprecedented circumstances. These uncertainties increased stressors. The economic crisis is
among the leading cause of stress. Many people lost their livelihoods with limited abilities to
gain resilience soon. As healthcare and government seek preventive strategies like scaling up
vaccination, managing mental health burden also need to be a priority. A more focus on other
spheres of health, such as infectious diseases, will limit attention to improving accessibility and
affordability to mental health facilities. The issue disproportionally affects people from lowincome regions. Amiri (2021) affirms that many people in society have depressive symptoms,
which are likely to double with economic crises (p. 5). The stressors coupled with limited
interventions can increase people's vulnerability and inability to receive timely help. The
problem can create a gap in healthcare with increased mortality from both infectious diseases and
mental health concerns like suicides. Healthy People has set the 2020 objective of reducing the
suicides rates in the country. However, this objective, among a few others, is still unmet. The
paper will evaluate suicides as the leading health topic (LHI) and derive reasons for the
indicators to worsen. It will also give deductions on the possible sources of data for the
Summary of MHMD-1 Suicide as LHI
The USA government, through the health people (HP) objectives, targets the wellbeing of
Americans. HP set goals and call for action that can help in meeting the target. A ten-year plan
shows the current and the targeted indicators. In 2010, the agency identified the reduction of
suicides in the population as among the leading indicators of healthy wellbeing. Increased rates
of suicides negatively affect the family, society and a nation. For instance, the government has

invested much in every citizen healthcare as a priority. When people take their lives, the country
loses potential people who will solve current societal problems. So, suicides have huge
community and economic burdens.
In 2010, HP noted an increase in the suicides rates for age-adjusted; the agency reported
that the rates increased by 7%. In 2006, the numbers were 11.2 in 100000 people (People 2014).
Four years later, the rates had hiked to 12.1 in 100000. The issue also differs based on gender,
region and race. These disparities indicated that many factors could increase the stressors in
society. Also, different people respond to stressors differently. For instance, the numbers varied
greatly between men and women. Approximately 19.8 men died through suicides in 10000.
Women recorded the lower cases of 5 in 100000. These disparities meant that healthcare needed
to scale up interventions to help men effectively manage stressors. Secondly, age was also
another factor in this issue. The urgency reported many suicides between age 45 and 64
(19.6/100000) (People 2014).
Other age groups like teens and youths had a lower reported case. Finally, regional
disparities in the rates of suicides indicated inequality in resource distributions. People from the

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