The discussion board for this module provides two articles. You are asked to compare and contrast the articles. There are several compare/contrast resources listed in the Instructional Materials folder for Module 3
1. Read the two articles. The reference material follows. The complete articles are available in the Instructional Materials folder for Module 3. In the
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). (2018). Committee on Health Care for Underserved Women Opinion No. 729, Importance of social determinants of health and cultural awareness in the delivery of reproductive care. Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 131(1), 43-48.
Click here to download the pdf
Skolnik, R. (2021). Health determinants, measurements, and the status of health globally.
Global health 101, (4th ed., pp. 104-133).
Click here to download the pdf
You can also read the ebook.
2. Write two (2) paragraphs (250-300 words). One paragraph will compare the purpose and the audience in the two articles. The second paragraph will contrast the purpose and the audience of the two articles. Remember the distinction between comparison and contrast. See resources in the Module 3 Instructional Materials folder.
3. Cite at least two (2) articles in the initial post in addition to the ACOG and the Skolnik articles. Remember that references for Discussion Boards must also adhere to the APA Manual 7th edition formatting.
4. You will respond to the initial post of two (2) peers. Each response will be between 100-150 words. Each response will include at least one (1) article in addition to the ACOG and Skolnik article.
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Compare and Contrast Articles
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Compare and Contrast Articles
Social determinants of health are the socioeconomic standards that people live by. These
factors can affect a person's general health and quality of life in the long run (Saadi, Patler &
Venters, 2020).
Both articles aim to bring to light the importance of health determinants in patient
wellbeing. It is not just limited to genetics; it can also be expanded to other factors such as cultural
beliefs, the environment within and w...