hammurabi's code, history homework help

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Assignment: Short Essay

Write an essay answering the following questions; do not forget to use supporting details in at least 250 words. You must successfully pass this essay in order to move onto the next lesson.

On page 28, you looked at the justice of Hammurabi's Code. Now that you have read about the development of four civilizations, think about how laws differ from place to place. How have they developed and changed over time? What Similarities do you see between Hammurabi's Code and the laws you live under today? How are they different? Discuss your opinions in a paper.

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Explanation & Answer


Running Head: Ancient Civilization


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Ancient Civilization

Ancient Laws

The development of four civilizations took place in the modern countries of Iraq, Egypt,
India, and China. To govern these kingdoms, rulers developed laws to establish order. These
laws differed from one civilization to another. In ancient Egypt, the laws which governed the
kingdom were never written down. The laws were common sense which required knowing right
from wrong. Laws in ancient India were guided on preserving "dharma" which can be def...

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