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Community Nursing
Institution affiliation
Due date
Community Nursing
Student Names
Date and Time of Clinical 4/11/2020
Time 8:00am-6:00pm
Site's Name and Address 1221 Waugh Chapel Center Gambrills, MD 21054-1608 United
States of America
Type of Organization (governmental, non-profit, for-profit, etc.). The organization is
classified under the for-profit corporation.
What is the focus/ mission of this organization? A nursing home with a mission of offering
high quality varieties of therapies, treatment and care for sick patients. The focus of the
nursing home is to promote patient safety by providing care that is effective and of high
When was it established? The institution was first founded on July 1, 1983, and has been
active for 38 years.
What aggregate is served, and how many people are served weekly? The establishment
serves about 576 people per week. It serves various patients including rehabilitation,
therapies resting place and care programs, social and recreational activities and a 24-hour
emergency care.
What did you do while there? Interacted with the staff and patients by asking questions and
assisting the old. I also participated in in cleaning, engaged fun activities with the resident. I
further collected data about the organization.
Do you think this organization fills a deficit for the area or other aggregate, and do they
have additional peripheral services? The institution is well-coordinated and organized, and
it meets the town criteria of the care home. The home offers community-sponsored activities
and housekeeping services as additional services. Various volunteers come on weekly basis
to share birthday gifts, organize fun events and play various games such as chess.
How does this organization compare to one other facility you have visited previously in