English Writing I Wish I Was a Poet Text Summary

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DIRECTIONS: Read the next two selections and answer the questions on Forms. 2:12 WhatsApp o АА forms.office.com Unit 2 Grade 11 Writing Pre-Assessment 11BG Required "Sunday Morning Early” and “I wish I was a Poet” Select one of the texts from the reading section and answer the prompt below. Refer to the rubrics and paragraph outline [Link: download the text in the assessment folder, upload it to one drive and paste the link here) 5. PROMPT: Provide an objective summary of the text. Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text. * Enter your answer Back Submit Never give out your password. Report abuse This content is created by the owner of the form. The data you submit will be sent to the form owner. Microsoft is not responsible for the privacy or security practices of its customers, including those of this form owner. Never give out your password. Powered by Microsoft Forms The owner of this form has not provided a privacy statement as to how they will use your response data. Do not provide personal or sensitive information. | Terms of use
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I wish I was a poet

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I wish I was a poet
Prompt 5
The poem is wishful ...

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